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Youtube Embed plugin problem


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Hi, anyone had experience with installing and using this plugin for CKEditor in PW. My PW version is 3.0.97


1) Problem 1. Inserted iframes were stripped from the editor. I managed to avoid this by disabling HTML purifier. Is there a more elegant way to solve this?

2) Problem 2. When clicking on inserted iframe, it would open default dialog with limited iframe properties instead of extended one provided by the plugin. Solved this by disabling ACF. Any way to solve this without disabling it?

3) Problem 3. Most annoying, can't solve. I have added setting `

config.youtube_responsive = true;

` to InputfieldCKEditor/config.js, yet it is still not responsive and does not change anything in the UI.


P.S. I tried using TextformatterVideo module but it is not good, since it only has global settings while in my case we need to have individual video embed settings for every page.

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The use of iframe is highly not recommended because it is exploited by spammers. If this plugin is using iframe, then don't use it.

Did you try the html5 <video> tag ? It is so much easier, no plugin and no iframe needed


I just tried <video> in the body field with the CKEditor, works fine here

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15 minutes ago, pwired said:

Send me a beer if it works

This plugin is not so good as it sets embed properties globally (for our project they vary from page to page).

I managed to get ACF working by slighly modifying your input to


Guess, still own you a small one. This solves 2) with ACF.

Still confused about 1) (HTML purifier).

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