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Access php files without a PW Page


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I have a case in which I've got a directory of php files that I don't really want to be managed by PW - they are just HTML snippet views being called by the only page in a single page web app.

The bottom line is that creating Templates and Pages for all of them seems like an unnecessary step, given that these files won't contain content that's managed by PW.

Is there a way to tell PW to just ignore the files in a particular directory, allowing them to be served as they would without PW?

An odd request, I know, but I think it makes the most sense for this particular use case.

Thanks for any help.

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  • 6 months later...

What might be the problem, if I only get 404 error when trying to access some php files outside PW? For example I have made info.php in the root with <?php phpinfo(); just to test and I get 404 page instead of the phpinfo-output. I have the default htaccess file in use.

This is happening only with php-files, not with html or jpg etc files.

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That's unusual. Are you getting an Apache 404 or a ProcessWire 404? If the file actually exists and you are getting a 404, chances are that Apache can't read it (i.e. file is not readable) – double check the file permissions. 

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