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Getting children of child with two names


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Hello, I have a parent holding two children, whose name can be foo|bar. Both can have children, but usually I have foo or I have bar.

What is the selector I have to use when coding in the parent page? I'm trying

$mypages = $page->find('name=foo|bar')->first()->children()

But I get a Call to a member function children() on a non-object. Oddly, I managed to get this selector working

$mypages = $page->get('name=foo')->chilren()

But this is not working when I put a foo|bar OR selector.


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1 hour ago, Manaus said:

I'm trying

$mypages = $page->find('name=foo|bar')->first()->children()

But I get a Call to a member function children() on a non-object.

You don't want to chain methods together like that if there is a chance that one of them will return something unexpected. What I mean is if $page->find('name=foo|bar') finds zero pages, then there will be no first() page, and you can't get the children() of nothing.

So you want to break it up a bit more, e.g.

$mypages = $page->find('name=foo|bar');
if($mypages->count) {
    $mychildren = $mypages->first()->children();
    if($mychildren->count) {
        // do something with $mychildren

Or seeing as you only want the children of a single page (the first) then you can shorten it a bit by using child() instead of find()...

$mychildren = $page->child('name=foo|bar')->children();
if($mychildren->count) {
    // do something with $mychildren

(Actually, $page->find() is different than $page->child() or $page->children() in that it will find pages at any depth under $page, but in your case I think you want to get only a direct child of $page).

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8 hours ago, chumneypwire said:

If I remember correctly, "get" only returns one page, and not a page array. I believe you would need to do:

$mypages = $page->find('name=foo|bar')->chilren();
foreach($mypages as $mypage) {
	//some logic


As I read from the Cheatsheet, $page->get returns a field, not a page. Is this correct?

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