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Show Pages under Page it's referenced by in Tree


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I have a setup where I have a page structure of continents->countries->regions.  I then have walks which can belong to more than one region, using the page reference field.  In the admin tree I want the walks to be listed under each region that it goes through.   Is this possible? 


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If I get you right, you want to show one page on multiple places in the page tree?

I don't think this can be (easily) done. 

What is the reason for this?

Maybe you can solve it using the lister view?

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The reason is to be able to find walks easily in the admin.  It would naturally work better to have them listed under each region - but as children can't have multiple parents, and the walks sometimes span regions that creates a problem.

Have been looking at lister and the Lister Pro module.  Good idea!  Thanks.

Any idea how I would edit the tree itself?   From searching the forums seems like a module that can show pages in a different way in the tree could be useful.


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I'm not aware of any module that modifys the page tree beyond hiding some pages, and never would even think of to try.  

I go with lister pro and its filters for stuff like this, because it is damn fast and easy to use. 

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My first PW-project was a site profile for mp3 database. There are genre, autor, album, track siblings in the tree. 

To show them as parent children relations, I used a jquery tree in frontend. So, it was my first contact with PW, and I doesn't know much about it. But maybe build your own tree as a process module, which has its own page(s) under admin, can be a good solution, too. 


There is a basic demo page too: http://pwlaf.biriba.de/sitemap/

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1 hour ago, hezmann said:

I couldn't see in the docs for Lister Pro (haven't purchased it yet) how it handles multi-values.  There seems to be options - but the docs aren't clear what they are.  Do you know?  Thanks @horst


@hezmann Original text from the config page:


Multi-value fields/columns selected above (like multi-page references) are delimited by a line break. If you would like to separate the values for any of the selected columns above by something else, then enter one per line of: field=delimiter.


But you don't need to start with ListerPro. You also can configure the core Lister to get a good impression on how it works out.

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