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Where will I find more themes/templates for ProcessWire?


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Hello World!
I have never used ProcessWire before so I just decided to give it a try. The CMS looks very promising and I like it.

Unfortunately, I cannot find any information about extra themes. I have found some of them but they are really simply and look like skeleton that I can use to build own theme. My question is, do you have guys any template base/place where I can get some interesting templates?

Thanks for any reply. Wish you great day.

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Welcome to processwire davede. Unfortunately, there currently is not a marketplace or library of themes available for pw. That being said, when installing a fresh install of pw, you do get several site profiles where you can dig around in the code. I do believe there is a uikit and bootstrap (4) site profile floating around here as well.

One of my favorite things about pw is with just a few if/foreach loops and echo's, you can get a simple site going very quickly. This makes it super easy to integrate your own framework/css into the mix.

This actually isnt a bad read through (in regards to making a simple "theme"): https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-develop-a-processwire-theme--cms-25692

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The reason why Processwire doesn't have a whole lot of themes is that it makes no assumptions about what data structures you want.
Wordpress has Posts and Pages.

Processwire has things called Pages, but they're really completely different to Wordpress pages. A Processwire page has whatever fields you want it to have, and that doesn't necessarily mean an HTML content area like a page in Wordpress or other CMSs. It can do, but doesn't have to.

A 'Page' could actually be a product with price, weight, description, and image fields.

It could equally be a calendar event with start date and time, finish date and time, venue, and description.

Processwire Site profiles are a bit like themes, but because of the flexibility of Processwire, they have to define data structures for the page types they're theming a well.

I find using a CSS framework like Bootstrap makes it far easier to 'theme' Processwire. You've already got a range of useful components, and it's easy to customise Bootstrap with different colours and fonts, so that way you've got the foundations of a decent looking site without having to be a graphic designer, but with the flexibility that Processwire offers.

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