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Linking pages to each other without being parents


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Hi all,

Let's say I've got something like this:

•	Airplane	(vehicle-template)
•	Aircraft	(vehicle_synonym-template)
•	Bus		(vehicle-template)
•	Plane		(vehicle_synonym-template)
•	Train		(vehicle-template)

•	title (text)	 = 	Airplane

•	title (text) 	= 	Plane
•	vehicle (page)	= 	Airplane

What I want to do now; is creating a new field (type: page reference) called 'synonyms'.

I want to add this field to the vehicle-template, so that I can - when editing - immediately see all the existing synonyms for this vehicle.

That means when editing the 'Airplage' page, it's showing me a list of 2 synonyms:

  • Aircraft
  • Plane

So I chose the "select multiple", and I've been messing around with the selectors...but no success for now.


Can someone help me?





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There are a couple of topics kind of about this question with working solutions:

But there are other ways.

  1. Put page reference field on vehicle-template template and add synonyms from there.
  2. Create a separate category for vehicle groups and reference category pages from both vehicle-template and vehicle_synonym-template (do you really need 2 of them?)
  3. Add a RuntimeMarkup with some easy-to-write php finding and showing the pages you want to back-reference.
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there is also this topic about synonyms, I put my few cents there already:
Actually I believe whatever you plan is covered there ...

also I am not entirely sure where you are stuck.


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