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select box for showing different content


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I have a page with a google map and a function that renders blok of a field regio_verspreiding on all childs of that page.

I want a list box where I can select the childeren. For the selected child I would like to see the map and show the output of that function only for that selected child.

It is this page: https://chrysemys.nl/regios/

I put back the old code for now as example.

I tried this, but I am quite stuck... and get is get to work. What should I change?


$map = $modules->get('MarkupGoogleMap'); ?>

<div id="content-region" class="content pw-replace">
        <!--Eco blog-->
        <div class="eco_blog_section">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="row">
                    <!--Eco blog column-->
                    <div class="eco_blog_detail_content col-xs-12">

                            Kies een regio:
                            <select name="r_selector">
                                <?php foreach($page->children as $r){
                                    echo "<option value='{$r->id}'>{$r->title}</option>";
                                } ?>
                            if ($inputs->get->r_selector) {
                                $section = (int) $inputs->get->r_selector;
                                // Add this to your selector string
                                $selector .= ", r_selector={$section}";
                                // To make the pagination work, add the section get variable to the whitelist
                                $inputs->whitelist('r_selector', $section);

                        <?php echo $map->render($inputs, 'map'); ?>

                        <div class="regios">
                            <?php // echo renderVerspreidingenRegio($pages->get($r)->regio_verspreiding->each); ?>



        <!--Eco blog ends-->



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I tried $input but that generates an error with the search form _main.php. Therefor I changed it to $inputs.

The output of the form/list box should be an page ID that is used in the function for the google map and the second function. That is the idea what I came up with.

It seems I also need jquery to refresh the page after an selection is made...

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I got it working with this code :D

<div id="content-region" class="content pw-replace">
    if($_GET['regio'] != Null){$result = $_GET['regio'];} else {$result = '1404';};
        <!--Eco blog-->
        <div class="eco_blog_section">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="row">
                    <!--Eco blog column-->
                    <div class="eco_blog_detail_content col-xs-12">
                            <h3>Kies een regio</h3>
                            <select onchange='document.location = (document.location.href.split("?")[0] + "?regio=" +  this.value )'  value="GO">
                                <?php foreach($page->children as $r){
                                    echo "
                                    <option value ='" . $r->id . "' " . ($r->id == $result ? 'selected': Null) . ">" . $r->title . "</option>";
                                } ?>
                        <?php echo $map->render($pages->get($result)->regio_verspreiding, 'map'); ?>
                        <div class="regios">
                            <h3><?php echo $pages->get($result)->title; ?></h3>
                            <?php echo renderVerspreidingRegio($pages->get($result)->regio_verspreiding); ?>


        <!--Eco blog ends-->
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