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unable to set $page->of(true) inside __invoke($page)


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hi everybody,

I'm working on my new datatables module. i pass a pagearray (rows of the table) and for each column i call the column callback that returns the value of the cell:

    // check type
      AND !($rows instanceof PageArray)) throw new WireException("Data must be an Array or a PageArray");

    // create objects for each row (page)
    foreach($rows as $row) {
      $obj = new \stdClass();

      // create property for each column
      foreach($this->cols as $col) {
        if(is_callable($col->data)) {
          $obj->{$col->name} = $col->data->__invoke($row, $col);

      $json->data[] = $obj;
    return json_encode($json);

$col->data->__invoke($row, $col) makes it possible to define the tables columns like this:

$col = new ProcessWire\dtCol();
$col->name = "id";
$col->title = "Page ID";
$col->data = function($page) {
    return $page->id;

the problem is, that $page inside the $col->data function has of(false)! what i need to be able to do is this:

return $page->title; // return current's language title

doing a $this->wire->pages->of(false); works, but that's no possible solution.

does anybody know whats going on here?

thank you!

edit: maybe this could be related to that i'm including the code via eval() ?

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