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Apologies and questions....


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Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've been on here. I've placed this message in the pub as I'm usually more at home in one, especially my local (The Crusty Biggus Dickus).... All drinks are on me!

Firstly I'd like to apologise for the lack of updates to the forum module I was working on. Life always gets in the way, so I have been unable to make any progress. So I apologise to those that were waiting on updates. I'm not sure if I will be able to continue with it or not, time will tell.

Anyway, I have noticed that there have been some nice tasty updates to PW in my departure, but a few things are confusing me.

1. What is the best way to find a summary of all the main PW changes since I was last here? I know there is the blog, but sometimes it's hard to find what I'm looking for without having to read every blog post. It would have been nice to see a forum popup message saying "Since your last logged on, here's what you missed in the PW development cycle" ;)

2. I'm glad things have switched over to Uikit 3 and I noticed the new site profile with the added PW helper library. I'm just wondering if it will be possible to take advantage of that helper library if you decide to start with a blank profile and then use your own installation of UiKit? Will there be conflicts with different versions etc?

Anyway, hope you're all doing well, and thanks for updating this amazing Framework.



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Welcome back GuruMeditation!

1. I wish there exist something like that. While we are figuring out how to do it, you can show your interest by supporting the basic here (like or something...) ;) 

EDIT: do not for get @teppo's Weekly Newsletter: https://weekly.pw/ which might be used to skim through all the happenings.

2. Time will tell, but your question is a valid one. UIkit keeps evolving too, so it should be updated from time to time. Things are still in beta stage.

Edited by szabesz
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Thanks for the reply. I've been looking over how the PW UIKit implementation works, and as usual it's very logical. It's just a case of starting with the blank profile, linking to the UIKit CDN and then including the _uikit.php file to take advantage of the PW helper functions. Simple and to the point.

As for the updates. I just suppose I'd prefer a changelogs page that lists all the changes between versions with easy ways to compare between versions and to link to the information you require.

In my opinion, it would be great if PW had a page like this:


It's a nice simple page, and you can alter it to fit your needs.

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  On 4/13/2017 at 8:05 AM, palacios000 said:

Hi, which forum module? I am very interested on this and I was hoping to integrate PW with a forum. Where can I find more details?


Well I don't recommend you download it or bother with it, but feel to browse the source code. There's a lot I'd change about it, but didn't have the time. At the moment I am manually creating a forum to refresh my memory and also to realise what would be required from a forum module. I do still firmly believe that PW needs a basic forum module that can be configured in the usual PW way. I also prefer a page-based comments module. I would just love to see a lot more documentation on creating modules before I attempt it again.


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