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templates tables deleted recovery possible?


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Do you still have the fieldgroups table?

So long as you don't have any unusual settings where a template is using an alternate fieldgroup, you can probably build this back up again with relative ease.

I would start with a templates table from another install and delete all the templates which aren't relevant to the problem site. Then use the fieldgroups table to get the names of the templates and the fieldgroups_id value for that column in the templates table. Once you have rebuilt all the rows in the templates table, I would manually add back the template access / family settings etc.

Hope that makes sense and helps.

Good luck!

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29 minutes ago, Mackski said:

Anyone looking for some extra work

I can help out if you want, but I would have a go at it yourself first. The part that I could do really shouldn't take that long via PHPMyAdmin or some other MySQL GUI. The time consuming bit will be the template access/family settings which I wouldn't know how you would want configured anyway.

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39 minutes ago, adrian said:

Do you still have the fieldgroups table?

So long as you don't have any unusual settings where a template is using an alternate fieldgroup, you can probably build this back up again with relative ease.

I would start with a templates table from another install and delete all the templates which aren't relevant to the problem site. Then use the fieldgroups table to get the names of the templates and the fieldgroups_id value for that column in the templates table. Once you have rebuilt all the rows in the templates table, I would manually add back the template access / family settings etc.

Hope that makes sense and helps.

Good luck!

Ok, so the fieldgroups_id in templates corresponds to the id in fieldgroups? I can see some templates have a flag column, set to 8 for repeaters.

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28 minutes ago, Mackski said:

Ok, so the fieldgroups_id in templates corresponds to the id in fieldgroups? I can see some templates have a flag column, set to 8 for repeaters.

Yes - that's right in both cases!

Let us know how you it goes.

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Just now, Mackski said:

How would I then ensure the pages are still linked to the correct template?

Ah yes, the next step in the puzzle. This is where you'll need to match the id of each row in the templates table to the appropriate "templates_id" field in the Pages table. No magic here, just careful manual matching. I wouldn't touch the Pages table at all though - be sure to change the id in the templates table.

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For the most part I've restored my templates, except repeaters seem to be broken. Not showing fields.

Also the system seems to be re-adding repeaters in the templates table;


If I delete this entry, the next page refresh will add:

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Did you check the template id of the repeater template against the template_id specified in the data column in the "fields" table for the repeater field? 

And of course remember that repeater templates are named: repeater_repeaterfieldname

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32 minutes ago, adrian said:

Did you check the template id of the repeater template against the template_id specified in the data column in the "fields" table for the repeater field? 

And of course remember that repeater templates are named: repeater_repeaterfieldname

That did the trick, the ID's were different in the serialized data. I changed them and they now work.  Now to just restoring template settings and permissions.

Thanks for you help Adrian!

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9 minutes ago, Mackski said:

I still get an error/warning, which doesnt seem to effect anything so far:

You must assign a template to the page before setting custom field values (title__data) [pageClass=Page, template=]

Any chance there is a page that is assigned to a template_id that doesn't exist?


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