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"Saved Page" but not saved in the DB


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After the Update from 2.x to 3.0.42 i'm not able to store new values in fields on any pages.

i can delete old pages, empty the trash, create new ones. On new ones PW saves only the title. 

I deleted all "site" modules but without any change. I also disabled JS in the Browser. I tried different Browser. No change.

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1 minute ago, kongondo said:

Welcome to the forums @timop_mug. A couple of questions:

  1. What version of 2.x exactly was that? Older than 2.4 for instance?
  2. Do you have $config->debug set to true? Any errors?
  3. Errors in the logs?

Thank you.

1. 2.7
2. and 3. yes debug is on but no errors, also in the log no errors

Bildschirmfoto 2017-01-31 um 12.12.27.png

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That's strange. Maybe let's start by refreshing the cache several times...sometimes doing it once doesn't cut it. This includes refreshing/deleting the ProcessWire 3.x compiled files; it will rebuild them if you delete them.

What modules do you have installed? You also need to re-enable JS. That's required in the admin. No console errors you said?

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I deleted all dirs in cache, all files in sessions and deleted the browser cache.
JS is active and all "site" modules are uninstalled for test.

No errors in the console. 

I also copyed the complete page to my local Computer and tested the Page in MAMP and I tried a fresh wire folder. Same problem. 

I have absolutely no idea where the problem could be.

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Strange. You say you copied the complete page to your local computer....etc. If you could also clarify:

  1. AMP versions: PHP, etc...
  2. Is this happening on all pages regardless of the templates they use?
  3. What about editing existing pages; are their values saved OK?
  4. Did you have Tracy Debugger installed? If not, could you install it and see if it catches any errors?
  5. Is there some Hook(s) running on page save?


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1. PHP: 5.6.25 MYSQL: 5.6.28
2. yes
3. PW loads the saved values from the DB but if i changed the values and save the page, i get the old values from the DB
4. No not installed, i check it
5. no, no hooks

i make a copy and try the update to the dev version

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Strange, i replace the index.php and the wire folder with the old version from a backup => changes saved
- update to 3.x  => nothing saved
- back to 2.7 => saved
- update to 2.8 => nothing saved

Existes a DB repair script for PW? I think it could be a problem with one or more tabel in the DB.


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If funny things are going on when saving pages, it's also always worth looking if Apache's mod_security is active. If the answer is yes, I'd starting digging there (and disable it to test if it is the culprit). It wouldn't be the first time that changes between 2.7 and 2.8 trigger some filter mechanism there. I don't think there's anything wrong with the database if you don't see an error message.

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