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MarkupPageFields repeater missing


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I am trying to output all content of all my pages on a single page to get a quick overview where some content is still missing. It doesn't have to be pretty, and the resulting output of the MarkupPageFields.module is sufficient for my purpuse, but I am missing the content of my repeater field.

Is there anything simple I can do to include my repeaters fields?

This is basically my code:

function listPageFields($page) {
echo "<h1>{$page->title}:</h1>";
echo $page->renderFields();

if($page->numChildren) {
	foreach($page->children as $child) listPageFields($child);

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Not sure if this works, but let's assume your repeater field is called "repeater":

function listPageFields($page) {
    echo "<h1>{$page->title}:</h1>";
    echo $page->renderFields();
    foreach($page->repeater as $p) {
		    echo $p->renderFields();
    if($page->numChildren) {
		    foreach($page->children as $child) listPageFields($child);
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