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Strange error by rendering body field


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Hello @ all,

I have very strange error messages if I want to render my body field in a template. First of all: This happens only if I am not logged in as administrator and only for the body field. If I am logged in with superuser rights everything seems ok.

Here are the error messages from Tracy debugger:



Has anyone an idea what the cause could be?

Best regards Jürgen

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Does the page/template in question has the view permissions set for the guest user?
Seems like the check for the right permission goes wrong. According to the debug code, if you are logged in as a super user, this check won't happen -- this would explain why it works if you're logged in.


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Best thing would be to strip it back to basics to try and narrow down the problem:

  • Remove any textformatters applied to the field.
  • Try removing all the content from the field.
  • Try the simplest template file possible, that just echos the field with no prepended or appended files.
  • Try adding the field to a new template that doesn't contain any other fields (besides title) and see if you still get the problem there.
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I have created the exact same field and added it instead of the body field. Now everything works fine. Unfortunately I was not able to trace down the problem according to the tipps of Robin S.

Thanks all for your help.

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