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Change append file in dependence of url segments


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Im using delegate template approach and for some templates with some url segments i need to change _done.php to some another file. 

Is it possible via hooks or init.php? 

Would be appreciated for any suggestions

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Where is _done.php coming from?

If you look at Ryan's CMS Critic case study, he shows how you can make an "$includeMain" variable;

are you using $page->render() or wireRenderFile() for the content of your url segment pages?

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the profile itself has a $useDone variable, so you can also just set that to false and load your alternate file.

* Whether to include the _done.php markup file? For example, your template
* file would set it to false when generating a page for sitemap.xml
* or ajax output, in order to prevent display of the main <html> document.

$useDone = true;

in other scenarios you can stop what happens after the template by using:

return $this->halt();

so therefore you could use wireRenderFile, or include/wireIncludeFile your alternate file, and then prevent loading _done by halting.

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depending on how your templates are configured, you could for example not have a $useDone or $useMain and then at your own discretion use the return $this->halt which should do the same thing, meaning it would prevent anything from happening after the point that you put that.

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16 hours ago, Zeka said:

I would ask you to give some example of correct using of $this->halt();

Ryan introduces $this->halt() in this blog post and there is some explanation in the code too. Essentially just reiterating what Macrura says above, in your template file...

// some template code here: this always gets executed

if(/* some test here */) {
    return $this->halt();

// some more template code here: this doesn't get executed if the if() statement above is true
// also, if a file is specified in $config->appendTemplateFile this is not appended


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