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Automatically generating sub page


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Hi all,

There is a possibility within processwire that when creating a page with a specified template in the same generated automatically create two sub-pages?

New Page

- Child 1 <- automatic

- Child 2 <- automatic

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This is possible with a simple module that hooks us in after the page "save", then retrieve the page object so you can check for it's template. You can find an example module in your site/modules/HelloWorld.module and look at the hooks and the example2() function. There you also see other examples of hooks. If you're into PW's API it's quite simple as it's the same as if you would code template code, just a different context and maybe more advanced.

I don't think there's also a "onfirst" save event that could be hooked. So what you want to have, is a check for if the two pages are already created under the page and omit the creation of the two children pages.

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This should do it (cleaned from other module, so not sure if this works without fixing, but idea should be pretty clear):

class Elections extends WireData implements Module {

public static function getModuleInfo() {
 return array(
  'title' => 'Elections',
  'version' => 101,
  'summary' => 'Simple module to demonstrate how to automatically create subpages.',
  'singular' => true,
  'autoload' => true,

public function init() {
 // add a hook after the $pages->save
 $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'afterPageSave');

public function afterPageSave($event) {
 $page = $event->arguments[0];
 // We want to create subpage only when using
 if ($page->template == 'election' && $page->numChildren == 0) {
  $p = new Page();
  $p->template = $this->templates->get("candidates");
  $p->parent = $page;
  $p->title = "Candidates";
  $p->sortfield = wire('fields')->get('v_candidate_number');

  $p2 = new Page();
  $p2->template = $this->templates->get("votes");
  $p2->parent = $page;
  $p2->title = "Votes";
  $this->message("New election created.");
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thank you very much!!

This should do it (cleaned from other module, so not sure if this works without fixing, but idea should be pretty clear):

class Elections extends WireData implements Module {

public static function getModuleInfo() {
 return array(
  'title' => 'Elections',
  'version' => 101,
  'summary' => 'Simple module to demonstrate how to automatically create subpages.',
  'singular' => true,
  'autoload' => true,

public function init() {
 // add a hook after the $pages->save
 $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, 'afterPageSave');

public function afterPageSave($event) {
 $page = $event->arguments[0];
 // We want to create subpage only when using
 if ($page->template == 'election' && $page->numChildren == 0) {
  $p = new Page();
  $p->template = $this->templates->get("candidates");
  $p->parent = $page;
  $p->title = "Candidates";
  $p->sortfield = wire('fields')->get('v_candidate_number');

  $p2 = new Page();
  $p2->template = $this->templates->get("votes");
  $p2->parent = $page;
  $p2->title = "Votes";
  $this->message("New election created.");
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