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Link to specific page in archive with pagination


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Hi guys,

i have a news archive, where i cycle through a lot of pages and this cycle is paginated.

In my home page i need to link to a specific news, but not directly to its page, but to the archive page containing this news.

So if, for example, i have e news in page 3 of my archive, i would like to link to this page.

The question is, what is the best way to get the link to the right page of my archive?

Thank you

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I'm not sure if there's really a better way to do this, without potential for breakage.

$pageNum = 1;
$limit = 20;
$start = $pageNum - 1 * $limit;
$base = "template=news, id=$mySearchedPage->id";

while($pages->count($base . ", start=$start")){
  $count = $pages->count($base . ", limit=$limit, start=$start");
  if($count) break;
  $start = $pageNum - 1 * $limit;
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Another solution

// number of news per news page
$limit = 20;

// get all news
$allNews = $pages->find("template=news");

// get the specific news item
$selector =  // selectorstring to get specific news item
$specificNews = $allNews->get($selector);

// get the page number where to find the specific news item
$key = $allNews->getItemKey($specificNews);
$pageNum = ceil($key/ $limit);
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