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Change active menu item in backend


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While editing any page in admin panel "Page tree" menu item is marked as active/current.
I need to change active menu item for some of page types.
I was trying to change parent by hooking after render, but Im not sure that i doing things right because i quite new to all these things about hooks.
$page->addHookAfter("render", function(HookEvent $event) {
    $parent = wire("pages")->get(3062);

But i got exception:

Exception: Parent changes are disallowed on this page 

Is there another way to implement it? I would appreciate any suggestions?

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I'm afraid I don't really know what you are trying to change - by the ""Page tree" menu item is marked as active/current", do you mean the breadcrumb trail? Perhaps a screenshot may help us understand your goal a bit better.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @adrian
I am sorry that i was not clear enough.

For now i found out the answer to my question about changing active menu item. I'll describe it below so it will become more clear what I meant.
I am using Admin Custom Pages for list some selection of pages. 

Under "Admin" page i created these pages: 

- Project ( This one plays role of separator and for it i choose "ProcessAdminCustomPages" as process, but leave blank selector of template. Not best solution, is there more right way? )

-- Entries ( Admin Custom Page / name: entries ) 

--- Edit  ( ProcessPageEdit / Hidden Page / name: edit )

In template for "Entries" i use this code for links to edit page: 

So when i edit any page that listed on "Entries" page "Entries" menu item in sidebar menu marked as active/current.

But now i have to modify breadcrumb to suit current page tree.


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I think you are talking about changing the breadcrumbs in the PW admin - if so, then you can either hook after Process::breadcrumb, or hook before ProcessPageEdit::execute. Both have advantages and disadvantages. You can see how I did this here using the Process::breadcrumb hook. This works with both the default and Reno admin themes. 


Here is the the ProcessPageEdit::execute approach which doesn't work fully with Reno but is simpler in some ways:


Hope I correctly understood what you wanted and that this helps.

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