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Frontend forms for users to input and update data


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I have been looking at new CMSs / frameworks / whatever you want to call them... and came across Processwire.  I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight about PW's capabilities (out of the box or with little custom code) when it comes to frontend data input and editing by standard users.  

Some possible requirements:

  • Secure user registration with usegroups and role/privilege configuration
  • Frontend forms for users to enter data ... ie create and update/edit their own pages securely with no coding knowledge necessary

Any information or examples of whats possible would be greatly appreciated.



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first - you have the luck to came across PW ;)

Since we have a great API you could use the system inputfields and the API to create forms...


(This is a sticky epic forum topic)

And there is a module that does the heavy work for you and provide some more function to rule such forms special for frontend user managment:


(really easy module with good docs...)

But you will get in trouble with this attitude on the topic

securely with no coding knowledge necessary

this is not possible with no existing system on the web.....;)

You will have to know the basics - you have so setup your forms and check user roles and rights...sanatize input data and process the data...

since you have a complete free setup for your data - you have to create a own system to manage them - you could rely on existing tools but with a framework you always have to code something....or you mean secure without deeper skill in security things???

best regards mr-fan

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securely with no coding knowledge necessary

this is not possible with no existing system on the web..... ;)


Actually I believe @JRW-910 was referring to the users not having to know any coding. Please correct me if I'm wrong, though :)


In addition to what @mr-fan said above, I'd suggest taking a closer look at the devns branch of ProcessWire. This is the future 3.0 version, still in development, and among other features it includes a kind of a front-end editing support. Perhaps not exactly what you were looking for, but this could come in handy anyway.


Other than that, Fredi provides front-end editing support right out of the box, and you can always embed admin views into the front-end by applying "&modal=1" to the URL of the edit view. This is all good to know in case you don't actually require a fully customised front-end editing experience, but would rather use the one ProcessWire provides out of the box.


If it is a fully customised front-end editing feature you're looking for, that's relatively easy to achieve via the API. ProcessWire is awesome for this kind of stuff, but again: unless you really need a fully custom solution, I would suggest looking into the existing solutions first. For an example the FrontendUser module mentioned above is definitely a viable solution for the user registration part :)


For managing permissions ProcessWire makes use of a simple role-based approach, but if you need something more specific, here are a couple of alternatives:

  • Dynamic Roles provides a very flexible method of defining new "dynamic roles" in addition to the real ones based on various factors. There's very little in terms of permissions you can't achieve with this module.
  • User Groups allows you to define page-specific or branch-specific permissions, and adds the new concept of "user groups" for grouping users together, regardless of roles they might have.
  • Page Edit Per User does what the name says: assign edit access to individual users on a per-page basis. This module is a bit older already, so not entirely sure how it works with the latest versions of ProcessWire, but it's also a relatively simple one, so if it doesn't work it's easy to cook up something similar.
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