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Using FieldTypePage to include fields from a different page

Pete Jones

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Slight newbie question that is giving me a strange result. 

I am using a FieldTypePage to include a reference to another page on the site (Case Study with a relevant member of Staff to contact).

I have added the field type to my Case Study template and added content and linked it to the chosen member of staff.

$contactId = $page->p_contact;
echo $contactId;
$contact = $pages->get($contactId);
echo $contact->title;

ContactId correctly returns 1023 but contact->title returns Home, not the title of the corresponding page. Is this an array of some sort starting with Home? How can I call fields in the corresponding page? Do I need to do something with permissions?

Many thanks


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Have a look at this diagram

// this returns an object; either a Page object or PageArray object
// depending on whether p_contact is a single or multiple page field (@see diagram in post I linked to)
$contactId = $page->p_contact;

// toString() method will return this object's ID (1234) or IDs if multiple page field (1234|3456|6889)
echo $contactId;

// no need for this. You already have an object
$contact = $pages->get($contactId);
echo $contact->title;

// if p_contact is a single page field
echo $page->p_contact->title;
// OR
$contact = $page->p_contact
echo $contact->title;
echo $contact->parent->title
echo $contact->id;
// echo whatever property

// if p_contact is a multiple page field (i.e. returns a PageArray)
foreach($page->p_contact as $c) echo $c->title;
// OR
foreach($page->p_contact as $c) echo $c->parent->title;
// OR
$contacts = $page->p_contact;
foreach($contacts as $contact) echo $contact->title;
// OR
echo $contacts->first()->title;
// OR
echo $contacts->eq(3)->name;

Good practice to always check if your page field returns something (i.e. that it is not empty) before outputting from it

// single page field
if($page->p_contact)// do stuff
// OR
if($page->p_contact && $page->p_contact->id > 0)// do stuff
// OR for multiple page field
if(count($page->p_contact))// do stuff
Edited by kongondo
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