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Return to home page is always to English (default) language


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My multilanguage site is working very well, except for one minor flaw.   If you are on a page in an other language than English, and then go back to the home page by pressing the logo, you always return to the Englisch homepage and not to the homepage of the chosen language.  

It's the same problem as the example Tripsite on the Processwire multilanguage page, https://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/multi-language-urls/#example ,  When you choose on e.g. the spanish language and then press on the logo it returns to the English language and not stays in the chosen Spanish language.

Anyone any idea to solve this minor flaw?

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$pages->get('/') is working fine as you can the code underneath (MarkupSimpleNavigation) 




<div id='topnav'>
    <div class='contain-to-grid'>
        <!-- <nav class="top-bar">  -->
             <nav class="top-bar" data-topbar>
                  <ul class="title-area">
                              <li class="name">
                                            <!--substitute in your own logo or text here-->
                                                <a href="<?php echo $config->urls->root; ?>">
                                                           <img id='logo' src='<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>styles/images/logo.png' width='180' height='200'  alt='L' Aigle - Oostende' />
                                       <li class="toggle-topbar menu-icon">
                                             <a href="#"><span>menu</span></a>
                <section class="top-bar-section">

                    <ul class="right">
                              $treeMenuTop = $modules->get("MarkupSimpleNavigation"); // load the module
                              $options = array(
                                   'max_levels' => 1,
                                   'show_root' => true
                              $rootPage = $pages->get("/");;
                              echo $treeMenuTop->render($options,null,$rootPage); // render default menu
                              <?php if($page->editable()): ?>
                                            <li class='divider'></li>
                                            <li class='has-form'>
                                                           <a class='tiny success button' href='<?php echo $config->urls->admin . "page/edit/?id=$page->id"; ?>'>Edit</a>
                                            <?php endif; ?>

                                            <li class='divider show-for-small'></li>
                                            <li class='search has-form show-for-small'>
                                                           <!-- this search form only displays at mobile resolution -->
                                                           <form id='search-form-mobile' action='<?php echo $config->urls->root?>search/' method='get'>
                                                                          <input type="search" name="q" value="<?php echo $sanitizer->entities($input->whitelist('q')); ?>" placeholder="Search" />
<!-- devider -->
                            <li class="divider"></li>
                                            <!-- languages -->
                                                           // language switcher                                                                               
                                                             foreach($languages as $language) {
                                                                            if(!$page->viewable($language)) continue; // is page viewable in this language?
                                                                                           //  $url = wire('page')->localUrl($language);
                                                                            if($language->id == $user->language->id) {
                                                                                           echo "<li class='current'>";
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                           echo "<li>";
                                                                            $url = $page->localUrl($language);
                                                                            $hreflang = $homepage->getLanguageValue($language, 'name');
                                                                            echo "<a hreflang='$hreflang' href='$url'>$language->title</a></li>";
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No LostKorbrakai, the code-listing my code before I asked the question.

With this code multi-language works perfect, except pressing on the logo gives always the english page (default).  The 'landing-page' is always the English page.  In my menu, there is no 'Home'-button, the logo serves as home button

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$config->urls->root doesn't have anything to do with the pagetree, especially on multi-language setups. It's much rather intended to be used as variable if processwire is installed in the root directory ( /… ) or in a subdirectory ( /mySubdirectory/… ). 

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<a href="<?php echo $pages->get('/')->url; ?>">  has no effect

I made a 'Home'-button in the menu.  

In attachement dutch-version.  When pressing on Home-menu-button, the sites stays in the dutch language.  When pressing the logo, the sites turns to the English version in stead of staying in the dutch language version.

It seems that the logo is 'outside' the multilanguage



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  On 3/15/2016 at 8:13 PM, horst said:

If I understand right, you use: <a href="<?php echo $config->urls->root; ?>">

but you should use: <a href="<?php echo $pages->get('/')->url; ?>">

Thx Horst, your solution is working.  After changing my _main.php I didn't upload the file.  How can I be so stupid!

Many, many thx

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