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Inject page titles into DIV

Peter Knight

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I'm trying to inject a list of tags (page titles) into a DIV so that this:

<div class ="article-wrapper">


<div class ="article-wrapper tag01 tag 02 tag 03">

It seems very simple but it's failing to output and not throwing any warnings.

It's the variable on line 4 called audience that should be scooping up my articles_tag_audience page titles

$articles = $pages->find("template=articles-post"); //find all posts based on this template
foreach ($articles as $article){ // these are this
$audience = $article->articles_tag_audience; 

echo "
<div class='small-12 medium-6 large-4 columns masonary-brick'>
<div class='article-wrapper {$audience->title} '>


I've also tried

<div class='article-wrapper . {$audience->title} .'>

which has worked on occasion.

Oddly, the following is used (and works) further into my code block

echo $audience->implode(", ", "<a href='{url}'>{title}</a>");

so I know the page titles exist.

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If $audience is an array of pages then you cannot get the "title"(sic) from it directly. Use the implode function to get a string with all titles. Also you should rather take the names or use some other function to sanitize titles to valid class names.

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If $audience is an array of pages then you cannot get the "title"(sic) from it directly. Use the implode function to get a string with all titles. Also you should rather take the names or use some other function to sanitize titles to valid class names.

Thanks - will try.

At the moment I don't need to (don't know how to) sanitize page titles because they'll always be 1 word titles determined by me. But I like the idea.

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Yippeee. I did it :)

See last line of this code.

$articles = $pages->find("template=articles-post"); //find all posts based on this template
foreach ($articles as $article){ // these are this
$audience = $article->articles_tag_audience; 
echo "
<div class='small-12 medium-6 large-4 columns masonary-brick'>
<div class='article-wrapper {$audience->implode(" ", "title")}'>
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