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Pages on trash get selected through API


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I got this on my template:

foreach($page->related_people as $person) {
        echo "<h3><a href='{$person->url}'>{$person->title}</a></h3>";

If that related page is moved to trash, then output will be something like this:

<h3><a href='/trash/5785_title/'>Title</a></h3>

Probably not desired effect? Shouldn't pages on trash be always hidden or at least some way out of normal API-selectors?

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Good find. The FieldtypePage module was using a retrieval method without selectors, which bypassed the status check. I just added a status check to FieldtypePage, so that it will exclude pages with any status level above Unpublished (which includes Trash). Can you give it a try and let me know if it resolves it? Here is the change in the latest commit:


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Thank you! Just updated and I can confirm that it works.

I like the fact that moving to trash doesn't remove page references that other pages has made to it. So if you have to undo your trashed page all relations are still working.

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