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suppressing update of modified timestamp did not work


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I try to avoid updating of the modified timestamp and modified user. It should be done with passing "quiet"=>true in an options array together with the save method(s):

$page->setAndSave('sort', $mySortvalue, array('quiet' => true));

But regardless if I use setAndSave() or save(), it gets updated every time. What I'm missing? I use PW 2.7 stable.

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If your using the quiet mode it's not ignoring the modified field, but just again setting it with the old values, so modified and modified_user need to be set to not be updated (see more here):

$data['modified_users_id'] = (int) ($page->modified_users_id ? $page->modified_users_id : $userID); 
if($page->modified > 0) $data['modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $page->modified); 
else if($isNew) $sql = 'modified=NOW()';
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Yes, I have seen this. But in my case it seems not to use the old values. I only want to change the sort value, and therefore it would be really good to not update the last modified timestamp. But when I inspect those pages in the pages finder, the modified time shows "before 2 seconds" or that like. :(

I already have hacked into page::save and pages::savePageQuery with an debug function and saw that it retrieved the right values from the DB. So, I don't understand where it lost that or where it changes it or if it do another save after that ?? It shouldn't. My code is really simple, it is that piece to move pages down in the pagetree.

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yes, i have. Here is what is in the $options array when it reaches Line 1110, just before the if(empty($options['quiet']):

$options array(6) 
  ["uncacheAll"]        bool(true)
  ["resetTrackChanges"] bool(true)
  ["adjustName"]        bool(false)
  ["forceID"]           int(0)
  ["ignoreFamily"]      bool(false)
  ["quiet"]             bool(true)

$data array(5) 
  ["parent_id"]    int(1011)
  ["templates_id"] int(44)
  ["name"]         string(64) "sanierung-industriegebaeude-weiss-umwelttechnik-gmbh-reiskirchen"
  ["status"]       int(1)
  ["sort"]         int(999998749)

 And after the if statement, $data looks like this:

$data array(9) 
  ["parent_id"]         int(1011)
  ["templates_id"]      int(44)
  ["name"]              string(64) "sanierung-industriegebaeude-weiss-umwelttechnik-gmbh-reiskirchen"
  ["status"]            int(1)
  ["sort"]              int(999998749)
  ["modified_users_id"] int(41)
  ["created_users_id"]  int(1101)
  ["modified"]          string(19) "2015-11-15 22:06:54"
  ["created"]           string(19) "2015-09-25 08:18:44"

The info in the page, before executing the code is:

Erstellt von peter am 2015-09-25 08:18:44 (vor 2 Monate)
Zuletzt geändert von peter am 2015-11-15 22:06:54 (vor 10 Stunden)
Published on 2015-09-25 08:18:44 (vor 2 Monate)

After the execution, the info looks like this:

Erstellt von peter am 2015-09-25 08:18:44 (vor 2 Monate)
Zuletzt geändert von peter am 2015-11-16 07:45:50 (vor 10 Sekunden)
Published on 2015-09-25 08:18:44 (vor 2 Monate)

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I have changed the line in my code that uses $page->setAndSave() with an own function that updates the values directly in the pages table. This way it works for me at the moment. But I think, we should send Ryan a link to this thread.

databaseUpdateSortInPages($page->id, $sortValue);
function databaseUpdateSortInPages($id, $sort) {
    $sql = "UPDATE pages SET sort = $sort WHERE id = $id";
    $query = wire('database')->prepare($sql);
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  • 1 month later...

Horst, I've not been able to duplicate this one here. The code I'm using to test:

$test = $pages->get("/about/");
echo "$test->title - $test->sort - $test->modifiedStr\n";
$test->setAndSave('sort', $test->sort + 1, array('quiet' => true)); 
echo "$test->title - $test->sort - $test->modifiedStr\n";

Anything I'm missing with regard to reproducing it?

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