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Update to 3.0: Oeps, white screen


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I just updated from 2.6.19 and now got a white screen on front-end and back-end. Did not checked htacces or index. I did make a backup and trying to downgrade. Maybe others have same experience?

Replacing folder to wire (2.6.19) makes everything work again. 

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If you didn't yet, check the latest post from the blog, Ryan explains a lot there https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.20-and-surprise-processwire-3.0-alpha-1/

Try setting compatibility with 2x to see if all works 

$config->compat2x = true

If it does, work and you want to try the new features (what would be the point of installing this version if not?), put it back to false and check if you are calling wire() on your templates, if that's the case, either change those call to the equivalent variables ($page, $pages, etc...) or add the PW namespace to the top of those template files

namespace ProcessWire;

I think you'll have to do this also for each module.

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If you want to know the source of the error, edit your /site/config.php and set $config->debug = true; Then you should no longer get a white screen on error. Though the fact that you are getting a white screen indicates that maybe the error is occurring before PW even boots. Double check that you replaced your /index.php file with the new one from PW 3.0 as it is completely different (and about 1/4 the size) of the index.php from PW 2.x. I would guess that most likely your white screen is a result of the older index.php still being in place. But if you still get a white screen, edit your /index.php and temporarily add these two lines to the top of the file, after the opening <?php tag:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); 

Now you should see the source of the error. Those two lines are essentially what debug mode enables, but adding them directly in your index.php means you can get errors that occur before PW even looks at your debug mode setting. Please report back the error message you see. 

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@ryan: I have done a new update. But now also included the index. The result is a error message.  

Error: Class 'FieldtypeMulti' not found (line 10 of /var/www/vhosts/.../httpdocs/testpagina/site/modules/FieldtypeEvents/FieldtypeEvents.module) 

This error message was shown because: site is in debug mode. ($config->debug = true; => /site/config.php). Error has been logged.
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