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Getting started by frontend Page Management


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Hi Community,

i started to creat my Website with Processwire for a Month. Now i will start with a lot of tuneup by manage all from the frontend. On my Page are Users they can creat Content, i have build a Publishing Workflow and after Publishing the user can't edit the page. All that on the Backend (Admin), now i will creat a frontend management for the users. My Templates use MapMarker, Imagefield, Repeater Group Fields... Is it possible to provide the Backend form to the frontend with in all the features?

I know i need the jquery and functions from the backend but i don't find the right Topic within this informations....  I know in tho forum are a lot of topics but i don't found the right one.

Can you help me to start?


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I don't want to sound to discouraging, but I doubt you'll have a nice time trying to make complex modules like repeaters or image-fields as they exist to work in a non admin context. There are just a big bunch of dependencies involved. It may almost certainly be easier to create forms and controls on your own and use the api to save things. 

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We always use Fredi front end editing module where yu can make page(s) or just certain fields editable that open in a modal after saving it refreshes page. So it's the most easy and straight forward way to implement front-end editing. Or alternatively put edit links to the page edit screen ($page->editUrl) and use them plain or some modal js to open the link in a overlay (iframe) would be something that gives you freedom.

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