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Enhancements for Page Edit Image core module

Robin S

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The ProcessWire image plugin used in CKEditor has some great features that give editors a lot of options when inserting images into RTE fields. Giving site editors this much control is good if those editors are technically literate and make wise layout decisions. In my experience this is often not the case.

Rather than let editors choose to center an image here, insert a 3000px image there, upscale an image here, link to an original there, etc, I'd rather be able to set up some predefined options and then let editors choose from them when inserting an image. And I'd like to have those options be reflected in the appearance of images inside the RTE window after the image has been inserted - so a "full-width" image appears as such, "logo" image is small and floats right, etc.

In other systems I've achieved this through the use of classes: when inserting an image editors choose from a dropdown of classes. These classes can then be used to control the appearance of images in the RTE window (via custom CSS styles for the RTE) and used to determine the final frontend result via PHP processing or jQuery selectors.

A couple of ways the Page Edit Image module could be enhanced...


  • Allow custom classes to be added to images when they are inserted, just like the Page Edit Link module does.

This would allow custom styles to be applied in the RTE window, and site developers could write their own Textformatter modules to apply different markup based on class or do things client-side with jQuery.

Even better!

  • Provide an interface in the module configuration that allows image "profiles" to be defined. Useful options would be:
    • resizing
    • cropping
    • create link to enlargement (with resizing options for enlargement - the current option of linking to the original isn't ideal because the original is often much larger than needed).
    • CSS rules for the profile to apply in the RTE window (float, width, etc)
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