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Find page name field in non default language.


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I built a menu using Pages to let the translation handle itself through PW multi language page title fields. Though, while trying some click menu and scroll to element with class gimmicky, I decided to try to place a data attribute inside the clicked link so that I can later use it for the javascript class selection.

  $navigationPages =  $pages->get("/navigation/")->children();
	  $spanish = $user->language->id;
	  foreach ($navigationPages as $navigationItem){
		  echo "<li><a data-scroll='{$navigationItem->name}'>{$navigationItem->title} </a></li>";

So while trying this, as you can see I used the name property to echo the data attribute value, I stupidly kept trying to echo the name in the non default language (spanish), until I decided to not break my brain and just use the one given by default (english).

Could I have actually output the name in the non default language?

For example I tried:


But didn't work, and I'm just wondering why. 

And I am also wondering, is this and this the only documentation available for using the language support through the API? I was just a bit surprised I didn't quite find any reference of this on the cheatsheet, is this because $languages or $user->language have to do with the language modules?

Should I start reading source code to find out about this? 

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Turn off output formatting first. As name is a string and not an object when output formatting is on.

Or try $page->getUnformatted(fieldname)->getLanguageValue(lang)

Or just this as it's a page native field..


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  On 8/22/2015 at 10:33 PM, Soma said:

Turn off output formatting first. As name is a string and not an object when output formatting is on.

Or try $page->getUnformatted(fieldname)->getLanguageValue(lang)

Or just this as it's a page native field..


This worked nice! 


Though if I set it like this, I have kind of save first the ID of the language I will use to output the data. It calls to my attention that when set on the default language, it seems that "name$langID" doesn't do anything. 

I will try the other lines of code later more carefully, 'cause I kind of quickly tested your suggestions.

Thanks a lot for your answer!

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It's because default language does have an id, but the field for the default language doesn't use it.

So you have:

- lang: default, id: 1017, field: name

- lang: other, id: 1019, field: name1019

- lang: third, id: 1020, field: name1020

So, if you just tried get("name$langId") for default language, you'd try to access "name1017", which doesn't exist.

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  • 4 months later...

This thread is already quite old, but I just stumbled upon the same problem and wanted to add my solution to this thread.

When you install the LanguageSupportPageNames module, you also get the Page::localName($language) method to easily retrieve the page name in different languages. This has been added in 2.3.0

So, to get the page name in a the language (or any other), you could do something around these lines and be done:

// Get default language
$defaultLanguage = $languages->getDefault();

// Get default page name
$defaultName = $page->localName($defaultLanguage);
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