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MigratorWordpress - can't see news


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I have problem with MigratorWordpress. I'm using ProcessBlog and that works fine, import news from wordpress works fine, but then I can't see them on my site. There is none "view" button in admin page tree when I click on one of them. Copying direct link to that news i got 404 page error.

What is the problem?

Kind Regards,


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Hi zervis and welcome!

You say that the importing works fine, so I don't think it is an issue with MigratorWordpress. 

If you don't have a view link, then it sounds like you don't have a template file for the new pages - something like news.php in your templates directory. 

Sorry, I am in a rush here - it's late and I am headed on vacation for two weeks in the a few hours, so hopefully someone else can help guide you through the process of creating the required template file if you are not already familiar with that - it's just like any of the other template files - basic-page.php, home.php etc.

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I have problem with MigratorWordpress. I'm using ProcessBlog and that works fine, import news from wordpress works fine, but then I can't see them on my site. There is none "view" button in admin page tree when I click on one of them. Copying direct link to that news i got 404 page error.

What is the problem?

Kind Regards,


Any screenshot to see, so we can properly tell what could be the issue, but as long as it imports then you should be seeing your content, screenshot please ?

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Thanks Sephiroth for chiming in here and helping - much appreciated!

This is my last post for a couple of weeks, but zervis you are in very good hands with Sephiroth - he has used MigratorWorpdress extensively and has contributed to its codebase!

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If you have a Template but no associated template file

  • Copy basic-page.php or home.php from your /site/templates directory to your computer
  • Rename the copied file to news.php
  • Copy news.php to your /site/templates directory.
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OK, works now. I had to name it as post.php

But there are another problems.

1. I have embed youtube videos into body, I've also tried iframes, but this is not working while it was in wordpress.

Now on my site I can see text: [embed]link-to-youtube-video[/embed] or <iframe.../>

2. There is no featured images.

Kind Regards,


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Thank You @cstevensjr, YouTube videos works now (after deleting [embed] but that's not a problem).

Still no chances to import Wordpress featured images?

There is no concept of Featured Images in Processwire, unless you created another field named 'featured image' and add to the post. Did you import all images i couldn't use that functionality (chose not to) as i had 4.3gb worth of images. Importing the feature image will require a dependency on a field. so might be a problem, instead it would import all images.  

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Importing the images all at once is probably technically possible, however it definitely depends on image size on what is feasible.

You could easily create an image field for the posts (as @Sephoroth alluded to) or incorporate any third-party Gallery, Slideshow or Lightbox.  It's also your choice if it's a HTML, CSS or jQuery script that you incorporate.

With the openness of this CMS/CMF, You actually have a variety of different ways to achieve a "Featured Image(s)"  display within ProcessWire.

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Well the last time i check Wordpress references it via Media attachment so it will reference a media id not really an image specifically, how many images are you looking to import, I wrote some Command Lines to handle that, sadly am not sure if Command line plugins exists in Processwire 

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