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Wire404Exception and PagePathHistory


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Dear Communiy,

My template basic-page does have URL segments activated. The segments are used to handle a different URL for the files attached. If a file is not found a Wire404Exception() is thrown. Sadly PagePathHistory does not handle it correctly (in my opinion) and old URLs no longer are redirected to the new ones.


* Hook called upon 404 from ProcessPageView::pageNotFound
public function hookPageNotFound(HookEvent $event) {

$page = $event->arguments[0]; 

// If there is a page object set, then it means the 404 was triggered
// by the user not having access to it, or by the $page's template 
// throwing a 404 exception. In either case, we don't want to do a 
// redirect if there is a $page since any 404 is intentional there.
if($page && $page->id) return; 


The documentation makes sense here but is the opposite of the desired effect.

Only solution for my problem was to disable the if-Statement, is there a better way to do this?

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