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New sub-forum "Coming from other CMSs" or something similar


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I've just "realized" again that I keep mentionning ProcessWire to some contacts. People who have just started using WordPress - or Joomla! - for instance, or are already using them. Some of them are also already using another CMS/CMF at their job (like CakePHP...).

From time to time, I find myself continuing to try (even if just with a few sentences) to convince them to (really) try/test it.

I think (as far as I remember) it's the first time that I act like this :) for a CMS/CMF.

It's also the first time that I'm so "active" on a forum :), even if it's not much.

I would like to be more active, but I'm just a "newbie". It seems I can't help much.

Wouldn't it be interesting/good for ProcessWire to have a sub-forum dedicated to all questions..., issues/problems... and advantages/benefits... related to the "transition(s)" from another CMS/CMF?

NB: it's also the first time that I install/adapt/convert (to ProcessWire) myself front-end frameworks, static "themes"/templates or websites...

PS: can someone add a space between "CMSs" AND "or" in the topic title, and perhaps add "something" before "similar", please?

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I doubt that there would be enough rush to really justify a whole new subforum, but maybe a topic per cms could be a nice reference for new people around. Sometimes it's easier to explain things not only from the point "what ProcessWire does" but also from "what does it different than". 

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