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Found 2 results

  1. Hi I'm creating a site where people can vote on dogs. To start with, I need the dog owners to register and then upload text, images, and videos about their dog. What I thought I could do is to create a page when the user registers. The page would be unique by using the member ID. So I would end up with: Home - Members -1001 -1021 -1025 Then each member page would have 1 or more children which would be the dogs that they have added. I just wanted to ask if that is a good way of doing things or if there's maybe a much simpler way of doing this. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  2. Hello all, I haven't been around for quite a while, but I'm still trying developing stuff for my classrooms (I'm an English teacher) and this time I'm a little stuck even before starting... Let me explain : I've used ProcessWire for my English site (FLEnglish : http://flenglish.tuxfamily.org - if you're curious) and I just loved it (not my site, ProcessWire ;-), and I appreciated the community help a lot) So here I am again with a 'new' project and my questions : I'd like to implement some kind of RPG Game (in the style of HabitRPG) for the language classroom. Actually, it's a lot easier than HabitRPG since I'm interested mainly in managing the score part of the game. I'd like the kids to have a character (no images for the moment, just a name), and scores for Health Points, Experience, Level, Gold Coins) and according to their achievements in class, the scores improve and so on. The idea is that I'd need a tool quite handy to manage because I have many pupils in classes and no time in class to manage all this. Let's see an example : All kids did their homework. They all get +3 experience and 5 gold coins. I don't want to spend 10 minutes going over each pupil's name and adding their numbers... I thought of the Skyscrapers demo site for a start : yes, I could manage students this way, having field for XP, HP, GC and so on (this is what I started doing actually). But then,I can't manage pupils' results 1 by 1 going through the Admin page in PW. So I thought of using Javascript to avoid having to validate a page on which I would have 120 fields to update according to the task succeeded. That's when I started thinking trying to continue learning AngularJS, but I was unable to make it work along with PW... (I get a 403 error when routing to the view template_ I put everything in /site directory, maybe that's not a good way). Anyway, this is quite a mess in my head at this time even though I would like to try and do something this way. If anyone here could give me a possible thought about this to give it a start : could PW be useful for such a task? To be honest, I would love to use PW for this since I would like to be able to merge this score thing with my site already using PW (and why not imagine 'users' being able to log in to see their scores and so on...?) I'm afraid I'm being extremely complicated on that. Let me rephrase it : - Could I have such a system for scores management using PW ? - Could I have a user interface quite handy to update scores easily using PW? In brief, what do you think? I hope reading this was not too much of a burden. Thanks for your help! Celfred.
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