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  1. Hi fellows I have a problem with one of my hooks in processwire 3. It's a hook which manipulates the processpagelist to only show the pages which are not editable and not addable. This works fine in 2.7.3 but in pw 3 it doesn't work 100%. When the first time the ProcessPageList is rendered the hook works. Now when I open a branch and reload then it shows all pages. but when i close the branch before reload it works again and only shows the pages which are editable or addable. How it should look like: How it looks when i let the branch open and reload: PHP-Code $this->addHookAfter('ProcessPageList::execute', $this, 'hidePages'); public function hidePages(HookEvent $event){ $excludePages = new PageArray(); $the_pages = wire('pages')->find("template=newsletter-clinic|sender_2016|sender_2016_collab|inside-news-folder|event-clinic"); foreach ($the_pages as $the_page) { if(!$the_page->editable() && !$the_page->addable()) { $excludePages->add($the_page); } } $hidden = explode('|', $excludePages); if($this->config->ajax){ // manipulate the json returned and remove any pages found from array $json = json_decode($event->return, true); foreach($json['children'] as $key => $child){ if(in_array($child['id'],$hidden)) unset($json['children'][$key]); } $json['children'] = array_values($json['children']); $event->return = json_encode($json); } } Do you perhaps know what causes this and how to fix this?
  2. How can I change the NumChildren Label in the Tree? I am logged in as a custom user. I have an SitehelperModule where I hook in the "ProcessPageList::execute" and execute and custom Function like this which excludes all pages which the current user can't edit: And It works well, the current user gets only the Pages which he can edit, but the problem is, that the NumChridren shows that they are 5 Pages under the ParentPage and this is confusing for the customer. Can I manipulate that also? I am asking because since the PageListNumChildren is rendered by the ProcessPageList.js I dont know how to tell Processwire that it should only num the Pages which the current user can edit? if(!$this->user->isSuperuser()) $this->addHookAfter('ProcessPageList::execute', $this, 'HidePages'); public function HidePages(HookEvent $event){ // create an array with all id's of the page to exclude $uneditable_pages = new PageArray(); $the_pages = wire('pages')->find("template=activity|location|organiser|address|source|tipp"); foreach ($the_pages as $the_page) { if(!$the_page->editable()) { $uneditable_pages->add($the_page); } } $hidden = explode('|', $uneditable_pages); // make sure it's an ajax request if($this->config->ajax){ // manipulate the json returned and remove any pages found from array $json = json_decode($event->return, true); foreach($json['children'] as $key => $child){ if(in_array($child['id'],$hidden)) unset($json['children'][$key]); } $json['children'] = array_values($json['children']); $event->return = json_encode($json); } } This Code-Snippet is an mini-altered Version from Somas Code on Github
  3. Hello! I'm new here and have a question: i want to force pages to stay at the bottom of the pagetree: I edit the ProcessPageListRenderJSON.php and it works. class ProcessPageListRenderJSON extends ProcessPageListRender { protected $systemIDs = array(); public function __construct(Page $page, PageArray $children) { parent::__construct($page, $children); $this->systemIDs = array( $this->config->http404PageID, $this->config->adminRootPageID, $this->config->trashPageID, $this->config->loginPageID, //system login #################################################### 1088, 1036, ################################################################### ); } Is there a way to do this without hardcode it in the ProcessPageListRenderJSON.php?
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