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  1. I'm trying to build a search module. See my rep here https://github.com/dtjngl/simpleSearch.git Once installed, you should be able to test it, just make sure you adjust $this->indexedCategories in the module's init() function. (I will change this later to be defined in the module's config file instead.) Then use the public functions to render the different parts of the search page: echo '<div id="filters">'; echo $simpleSearch->renderFilters(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="criteria">'; echo $simpleSearch->renderCriteriaMarkup(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="paginationstring">'; echo $simpleSearch->renderPaginationString(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="overview">'; echo $simpleSearch->renderOverviewMarkup(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="search-results">'; echo $simpleSearch->renderResultsMarkup(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="pagination">'; echo $simpleSearch->renderPaginationMarkup(); echo '</div>'; The problem with the pagination: $this->renderResultsMarkup() the entries seem to paginate alright $this->renderPaginationString() the entries seem to paginate alright $this->renderPaginationMarkup() pagination links DON'T show up at all! I don't know what I'm still not getting about pagination and what I'm doing wrong. When do I fetch and where do I store all the results? And at which point do I paginate the results? It just never makes sense to me. Any help and advice is much appreciated.
  2. The $options array seems to be missing one crucial item, which is itemClass. BTW I'm using tailwind css, in case the classes confuse you a bit. I can't seem to style the <li> elements. If I add bg-green-400 to the classes of itemMarkup, it overrides the class of currentLinkMarkup. If I apply all the styling to the <a> tags instead, I cannot have a rounded corner for the first and last item. $options = array( 'listClass' => 'inline-flex', 'linkMarkup' => "<a class='px-2' href='{url}'>{out}</a>", 'currentItemClass' => 'bg-red-400', 'itemMarkup' => '<li class="{class} h-auto hover:bg-red-400">{out}</li>', 'separatorItemClass' => '', 'currentLinkMarkup' => "<a class='px-2'>{out}</a>", 'nextItemClass' => 'rounded-r-full', 'previousItemClass' => 'rounded-l-full', 'lastItemClass' => 'rounded-r-full', 'firstItemClass' => 'rounded-l-full', 'nextItemLabel' => '>>', 'previousItemLabel' => '<<', 'separatorItemLabel' => '<span>…</span>', ); thanks for ideas!
  3. Hello si have this gallery, pretty good website, but yesterday client uploaded over 3000 images oto the site, and it cannot handle filtering them out and showing them at the same time , i wanted some simple pagination maybe infinite scrool or onclikc load whatever, but i cannot seem to implement infinite ajax scrool and any other JS methods, nut sure why i still got stuck at the next method, like there is not next page. so i wanted to implement PW method of paginating i wanted to use MarkupPagerNav so far i have this code for outputting images $pa = $pages->find("template=basic-page|art_gallery, images.tags!=''"); /* $pa = $pages->find("has_parent!=2,id!=2|7,status<".Page::statusTrash.",include=all"); */ echo "<div class='js-filter' id='gal' >"; /* row gtr-50 gtr-uniform */ $frame = $pages->get('/settings/')->watermark; foreach ($pa as $p) { foreach($p->images as $image) { if(!$image->hasTag("act")) { $options = array('quality' => 80, 'upscaling' => true, 'cropping' => 'north', 'sharpening'=>'medium'); $large = $image->size(1200, 0, $options); $wmImage = $large->pim2Load('wm1', ['quality'=>80, 'upscaling' => true, 'sharpening'=>'medium', 'defaultGamma'=>-1])->watermarkLogo($frame, $position='se',$padding=1.5)->pimSave(); /* zmazanie variacii, treba odpoznakovat ked sa menia nastavenie vyssie */ /* $image->pim2Load('wm1')->removePimVariations(); */ $thumb = $image->size(400, 300, $options); echo "<div class='$image->tags grid-item' style=''>"; echo "<span style='overflow:hidden;'class='image fit'>"; echo "<a class='hvr-reveal' href='$wmImage->url'>"; echo "<img uk-scrollspy='cls: uk-animation-fade; repeat: false' src='$thumb->url' alt='$image->tags'>"; echo "</a>"; echo "</span>"; echo "</div>"; } else { $options = array('quality' => 80, 'upscaling' => true, 'cropping' => 'north', 'sharpening'=>'medium'); $large = $image->size(1200, 0, $options); $wmImage = $large->pim2Load('wm2', ['quality'=>80, 'upscaling' => true, 'sharpening'=>'medium', 'defaultGamma'=>-1])->pixelate(25)->smooth(255)->watermarkLogo($frame, $position='se',$padding=1.5)->pimSave(); /* zmazanie variacii, treba odpoznakovat ked sa menia nastavenie vyssie */ /* $image->pim2Load('wm2')->removePimVariations(); */ $thumb = $image->size(400, 300, $options); echo "<div class='$image->tags blur grid-item' style=''>"; echo "<span style='overflow:hidden;'class='image fit'>"; echo "<a class='hvr-reveal' href='$wmImage->url'>"; echo "<img uk-scrollspy='cls: uk-animation-fade; repeat: false' src='$thumb->url' alt='$image->tags'><span>18+</span>"; /* <span>BY OPENING THIS IMAGE YOU CONSET THAT YOU'RE 18 YEARS OR OLDER</span> text copyraightova,y dat vedla obrazky potom */ echo "</a>"; echo "</span>"; echo "</div>"; } } }; to put it simply, it first searches for sites, and then outputs all images from those sites, pretty simple, it also uses watermarking and uikit filtering i have filtering done like this $num = 1; echo "<ul class='uk-subnav uk-subnav-pill'>"; foreach(array_unique($alltags) as $key => $tag) { echo"<li uk-filter-control='filter: .$tag;group: $num' class='butt$num' uk-toggle='target: .butt$num ; animation: uk-animation-fade; queued: true'><a href='#'>$tag</a></li>"; echo"<li uk-filter-control='group: $num' class='butt$num active' aria-hidden='true' hidden='' uk-toggle='target: .butt$num; animation: uk-animation-fade'><a href='#'>remove - $tag</a></li>"; $num++; } echo "</ul>"; simple, but i have NO idea how to implement pagination, just because it seems to work that it like find all images, and stores with limit, and then just paginates them, but i cannot apply this method in my code. any idea how to make any JS inifite scroll work ? or just how to make this work ? with my setup, or with some modifications, it just have to work as is now
  4. Hi all, I've just noticed a strange issue with some paginated pages on my site UKMoths, (http://ukmoths.org.uk). I have a series of pages showing thumbnails of moths by family, here: http://ukmoths.org.uk/thumbnails. The opening page shows the families but as you drill down, it displays all the species within a certain family. If there are more than 12 then the output is paginated using standard MarkupPagerNav functionality. On some however, I've noticed some long strings of random characters between the base url and the page notifier. For example the crambidae list has 140 species so has about 12 pages. Page 1 is fine, showing /thumbnails/crambidae, but pages beyond this, instead of the urls being like /thumbnails/crambidae/page2 they are something like /thumbnails/crambidae/BVXAz1div6cNWKM3P5NDP7EoP4WA .... (cut for brevity) ... CSCHd6.9c6Nhh/page2. I can't for the life figure out why this is happening. It seems to be the case for both ProCache version pages and non-cached (when logged in). If I look at the ProCache folder in the assets, the structure looks to be correct - i.e. a crambidae folder and then page2, page3 etc. folders. I should point out that the pages render correctly, even with these odd urls. It doesn't happen across the board though - it just seems to be certain ones - the /thumbnails/elachistidae folder pagination is fine - yet they're all using the same template. And the same site on my dev system is fine. Confused! Any one have any thoughts? Thanks, Ian.
  5. Hi Everyone. I need help to paginate search results generated from a search form. my search result url: http://mysite.com/search/?products=tshirt&size=xl how do I keep the value when generating pagination using MarkupPagerNav? like on SKyscrapers example: http://processwire.com/skyscrapers/search/page2?city=albuquerque (tried to look at the source code but can't find where Ryan set the pagination options, maybe I missed it? can someone point it out to me ) at the moment my pagination link only showing the page number without the get value i.e: http://mysite.com/search/page2 however, it showing correct results if I type the url manually like: http://mysite.com/search/page2?products=tshirt&size=xl I'm assuming I need to set the getVars in the pagination options can you give me example how to use the "getVars"? I've set the cache to 0 in the template setting. my code: $pagination = $matches->renderPager(array( 'nextItemLabel' => "»", 'previousItemLabel' => "«", 'listMarkup' => "<ul class='MarkupPagerNav pagination'>{out}</ul>", )); thank you!
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