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  1. Hi everyone. A lot time not writing here but periodically checking for the nice updates. I'm facing a problem and not able to figure out how to solve it easily ? (admitedly that something in programming is easy ?). I'm trying to implement featured and gallery fields for generic post. My problem is that I need to have the Inputfield reading/writing the images from/to a system folder rather than a page. Reason of that is that: customer stressed me out about the need to have a WordPress-ish ? central folder for images; if referencing images from a page, possible future changes to the source page will change accordingly all images src link, breaking everything (and I'm trying to keep the backend as lighter as possibile by not fill it with modules which keep track of this and that at every change). I'm actually using the great ImageReference module, but I'm still facing some issues I already exposed on its GitHub repo, which I'll try to summarize here: image preview not (yet) responsive in edit page, or at least in my case it doesn't work as (I) expected; no scrolling in image selection (widget expans a lot especially if the container is narrow); no description available for the uploaded images. What I would like to have is the power of the default FieldtypeImage combined to the huge range of choices ImageReference gives out of the box, but from what I did understand the author is not interested into merging the things. All this brings me to the final question, which is: since I actually cannot afford to spend a lot of time reinventing the wheel, and is low-budget work, is there a way to hook some event from the default FieldtypeImage right before it uploads or reads the file from the page's folder, in a way I can modify the path by routing it to a folder of my choice? I hope I've been able to make clear my thought ?
  2. Hello Processwire, First of all thank you for a wonderful CMS. This would be my first question to the Processwire community as I started with it. I am trying to create module which can keep site logo as a configurable input field. I use following code to create InputFieldImage and still no luck. public static function getModuleConfigInputfields(array $data) { $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldImage'); $field->name = 'siteLogo'; $field->label = "Site Logo"; $field->maxFiles = 1; if(isset($data['siteLogo'])) $field->value = $data['siteLogo']; $inputfields->add($field); return $inputfields; } Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
  3. Hello, I'm trying to build a form for registered users to upload images in the frontend and basically rebuilt an admin page. It all works great, upload, sort, all fields etc except for the "delete image" option. In the inputfield there's a checkbox to delete with value "1". This never gets checked or is anything but "1". I would like to know, how I can check if "delete" image was clicked? Can anyone help me? Thanks, thomas
  4. I am trying to extend InputfieldImage & FieldtypeImage. I want something like this: $page->image->action('param'); When I call method action() i want read settings saved with my ExtendedInputImageField field. Then i want perform action based on that settings. I have first part. I can save EntendedInputImageField settings when I configure new field. In this way I save the settings: public function ___getConfigInputfields() { $inputfields = parent::___getConfigInputfields(); //[...] $field = $this->modules->get("InputfieldTextarea"); $field->attr('name', 'advSetting'); $field->attr('value', $this->advSetting? (string) $this->advSetting : ''); $field->label = $this->_("Advenced Settings"); $field->description =''; $fieldset->add($field); //[...] $inputfields->add($fieldset); return $inputfields; } <?php Pageimage::action Hook class FieldtypeExtendedImage extends FieldtypeImage { // [...] public function init() { $this->addHook('Pageimage::action', $this, 'action'); } public function action(HookEvent $event) { // How can I read 'advSetting' settings here? } //[...] }
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