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  1. Hi folks, I've been using the PageTableExtended recently to create some dynamic/curated sections on my site which is working really well, functionality wise, but the admin layout in the CMS is a little odd to work with. I have attached a screenshot of how one of my setups currently looks. You'll see it's hard to know what 'flexible-content-block' is an image, or text, or embeddable media etc. What would be really useful is to see the 'page' title on this screen. I have attached a screenshot with an idea. So, is something like my proposal currently possible, and if not, could it be added to a feature list? Wordpress's ACF flexible content area use this type of setup and it's a lot easier to maintain and organise. Especially for clients/users. Or, is there a way which I can fork this and build this layout for others to use if they find it useful? Thanks, R
  2. Hi all! this is more of a general MYSQL Schema discussion but i noticed that PW does a pretty good job of handling flexible objects (pages) by creating a new table for each object property (field). I was wondering what other options there are out there for storing flexible but efficient objects in MYSQL. I noticed that Wordpress uses it's wp_postmeta table extensively for storing flexible schema. Also according to Facebooks engineering there's a simplified schema overview of it's TAO based system that uses MYSQL as it's underlying datastore for it's graph data. (https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook-engineering/tao-the-power-of-the-graph/10151525983993920) So as i say i was just curious really as to different setups and indexing options anyone has used to be able to handle flexible objects within MYSQL.
  3. Hi folks, I used to be a big fan of WP, but luckily found ProcessWire and in general it has been so great and super flexible... so thanks for that and all your hard work. It's appreciated. One thing I was a big fan of on WP when using the ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) was the 'Flexible Content' add-on (http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/add-ons/flexible-content-field/) which essentially allowed you to build a series of elements to use (textarea, image etc) then when a user came to build this section on the CMS, they could build a flexible page using those defined elements. So one page might be textarea, image, image, textarea and another may be image, textarea, image, image, image, textarea etc. They have the fields and they build the order. Is there anything PW offers in this respect? I was checking out Tables (https://processwire.com/api/modules/profields/table/) but it's quite strict and not that flexible (unless I am missing something!) Thanks and hope you can help, R
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