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Found 4 results

  1. I added a Select Options field called tags. On the "details" settings tab I chose TextTags (Multiple sortable values) When I edit a page with this field on, and type a new tag name, e.g. 'new', it says it's going to Add new. I press <SPACE> and it renders the `new` as a tag. Then I hit Save and it compain: Removed invalid tag value: new. The UI looks like it's ok for me to add a tag, but hitting Save says otherwise. I see from the API docs: https://processwire.com/api/ref/inputfield-text-tags/ that there's an "allowUserTags" setting, but that doesn't seem to be exposed in the edit field UI? Also I observed that if I add values on for the tags field then I'm only allowed to select those, and not allowed to add new tags. Any help gratefully received.
  2. Hi all I've hit an error I can’t work out – I have a multilang CKEditor field and the settings for that tell it to save drag-n-drop images into an Images field on the same page. Problem is when I then switch to another language tab on the CKE field and drag and drop an image it gives this error: 1019 is the language page for German on my site. I thought I would be clever and be able to create a field called content__1019 with the same settings but it won’t allow fieldnames with double underscores. Ideally I need a way to set images dragged into the German tab to upload to a dedicated "Images_DE" field on that page to keep the two image fields separate. If not then at least the main images field. Is there a setting I have overlooked?
  3. Hello Is there a way to program my code in a way, that the website has Background-Attachment Fixed on laptops and PC's and Background-Attachment Scroll on mobile devices? On ios Background-Attachment Fixed does not work. It can't be done with media queries, because the ipad pro is bigger than my laptop. Maybe a Javascript or something. I found this, but not knowing Javascript I don't know if it would work. Could this work? if (iosVersion >= 7) { $(document).scroll(function() { $('#background').css('background-position', '0px ' + $(document).scrollTop() + 'px'); }); } Can anybody offer some advice? Thanks a lot Jakob
  4. Hi all, I'm fairly new to Processwire. As far as I can see, it's a great tool to get my work done! There's just one question right now: Is there a way to define a fixed width and/or height for an image in the backend? I'm aware of the "maximum width/height" options, but I need a fixed width in my case. Images larger than the defined width should automatically downsize, images smaller should be rejected with an error. Regards, Thomas
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