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I'm really in love with FormBuilder, but the one thing missing to match all my end users' expectations were repeatable field groups. Think repeaters, in ProcessWire terms. Our primary application of PW is our corporate intranet, so "lines" of fields are quite common in the forms I build. We have all kinds of request forms where the information for a varying number of colleagues needs to be entered (from meal order to flight booking request) and where it is simply impractical to send a form for each, and I don't want to clutter my forms with multiple instances of fields that may only get used ten percent of the time. That's why I started to build FormBuilderMultiplier (link to GitHub). What it does: Adds an option to make a regular Fieldgroup repeatable Lets you limit the number of instances of a Fieldgroup on the form Adds an "Add row" button the form that adds another instance of the Fieldgroup's fields Adds a counter suffix at the end of every affected field's label Stores the entered values just like regular fields Makes the entered values available in preview and email notifications Supports most text based fields, textareas and selects (really, I haven't had enough time to test all the available choices yet) What it doesn't do (yet): Support saving to ProcessWire pages (i.e. real Repeaters) I haven't tested all the validation stuff, Date/Time inputs etc. yet, but since I'm utterly swamped with other stuff at work, I didn't want to wait until I have it polished. Any feedback is welcome. There might also be some issues with different output frameworks that I haven't encountered yet. The forms I work with mostly use UIKit. Status: Still alpha, so test well before using it in the field. Known issues: When rows are added, the form's iframe needs to be resized, which isn't completely clean yet. How it works: The Fieldgroup settings are added through regular hooks, as is the logic that adds the necessary field copies for processing the form and displaying previews. "Multiplied" field instances are suffixed with _NUM, where NUM is an incremental integer starting from 1. So if you have add two fields named "surname" and "givenname" to a fieldgroup and check the "multiply" checkbox, the form will initially have "surname_1" and "givenname_1" field (I'm still considering changing that to make the risk to shoot oneself into the foot by having a regular "surname_1" field somewhere else in the form less likely). When a "row" is added, the first row is cloned through JS and the counter in the fields' IDs, names and "for" attributes as well as the counter in the label are incremented before appending the copies to the Fieldset container in the form. To keep backend and frontend in sync, a hidden field named [name of the fieldset]__multiplier_rows is added to the form. Both the backend and the frontend script use this to store and retrieve the number of "rows". ToDo: Naturally, add the option to store the data in real repeaters when saving to pages. Do a lot of testing (and likely fixing). Make a few things (like the "Add row" button label etc.) configurable in field(set) context. Add a smooth API to retrieve the multiplied values as WireArrays. The mandatory moving screenshot:
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Hey there, born out of a personal need I've implement a lightweight version of @Robin S' Hanna Code Dialog module for TinyMCE. In a bout of creativity, I've named it HannaCodeDialogTiny This module is still in alpha state and needs some extensive testing. If you encounter any problems, please open an issue on GitHub. It has no select options, descriptions or cheat sheets (yet), and it doesn't cope well with nested Hanna Codes. What it does have is the Insert Hanna Code dropdown in the TinyMCE menu bar with dialog-based insertion, non-editable Hanna Codes in the editor, double click on existing codes for editing in a dialog. Hanna Codes are also highlighted, and you can drag and drop them around. The dropdown: Double click on any highlighted Hanna Code: Fill in your values: The Hanna Code has been changed: Have fun!
Hi! I've created a small Inputfield module called InputfieldFloatRange which allows you to use an HTML5 <input type="range" ../> slider as an InputField. I needed something like this for a project where the client needs to be able to tweak this value more based on 'a feeling' than just entering a boring old number. Maybe more people can use this so I'm hereby releasing it into the wild. EDIT: You can now install it directly from the Modules directory: What is it? The missing range slider Inputfield for Processwire. What does it do? This module extends InputfieldFloat and allows you to use HTML5 range sliders for number fields in your templates. It includes a visible and editable value field, to override/tweak the value if required. Features Min/max values Precision (number of decimals) Optional step value (Read more) Optional manual override of the selected value (will still adhere to the rules above) Configurable rounding of manually entered values (floor, round, ceil, disable) Usage Clone / zip repo Install FieldtypeFloatRange, this automatically installs the Inputfield Create new field of type `Float (range)` or convert an existing `Float`, `Integer` or `Text` field. To render the field's value simply echo `$page->field` Demo A field with Min=0, Max=1, Step=0.2, Precision=2 Field with settings Min=0, Max=200, Step=0.25, Precision=2 Todo Make the display-field's size configurable (will use the Input Size field setting) Hopefully become redundant Changelog 008 (current version) - Add composer.json and submit to Packagist, making the module installable via composer 007 - Add defaultValue field (as requested by @charger) - Fix a silly mistake where a negative rounding (-1) resulted in removing all decimals instead 006 - Fix bug where InputfieldFloat negative precision prevented the displayed value to be updated properly - Revert installs & requires, so direct installs from Modules Directory (should) work 005 - Fix bug where the Inputfield would not work properly within repeaters / repeater matrices 004 - Make rounding of manually entered values configurable (floor, round, ceil or disable) - Fix small JS bug where the value-display field was not displayed - Update README 003 - Code cleanup, add some ModuleInfo data & LICENSE - Submit to PW Modules directory ( 002 - Fix issue where setting the step value to an empty value created problem with validation - Make the display-field optional 001 - Initial release Thanks!
Since InputfieldTinyMCE appears to make huge steps towards becoming a stable replacement for CKEditor and TinyMCE comes with a native autocomplete API, I just had to try my hands at migrating the autocomplete module I had built for InputfieldCKEditor. Lo and behold, it went even easier than I had hoped. So here - mind you, still very alpha - is my autocomplete module for the new TinyMCE input field. Since I may still introduce breaking changes while things become stable, it will only be available at GitHub for now. Autocompleter for InputfieldTinyMCE What does it do? Autocompleters work like the mention plugin in this forum. You type a "trigger" character (or characters) followed by some letters, and a list of possible results pops up, from which you can choose. InlineCompleteTinyMCE comes with three different autocompleters (called "actions" in the context of this module): Pages: you can configure a selector, just like when you search for pages in the ProcessWire backend. You can search for title, name or any field you would like. Like every action, it allows you to specify templates for the label and the HTML/text to insert. Users: this is the equivalent to the form mention. Type an "@" sign followed by the start of a user name, and it inserts a link to that user. If you have added an image field to the user template, you can display that in the selection popup too. Hanna Code: just type the opening tag ("[[" by default) for your Hanna code and any letter, and the module will look for all codes starting with those letters. You can easily implement your own action modules too. Just inherit from InlineCompleteTinyMCEAction and add the code for a few methods. Enabling Actions For every installed action, you will find a checkbox on the "Input" tab when you configure a field. Configuration for Actions Once you have enabled the action, more configuration options become visible. The exact options depend on the action itself, but you usually have a label template and a value template. You can use placeholders in both. Actions in Action This is what it looks like when used: Compatiblity The module has been tested with InputfieldTinyMCE v6.0.6 both in standalone and inline mode. Lazy loading the standalone editor is also supported. Outlook There's still a bit work waiting for me, from cleaning up some code, over making the Pages action support multiple autocompleters with different triggers and selectors, to adding a lot of documentation. Nevertheless, I'd be happy to get some feedback.
Inspired by this thread with a little nugget based on AOS by @benbyf to visually distinguish development systems from production ones, I wrote a small module that does the same and lets you adapt colors and text. Link to the github repo: AdminDevModeColors Version 0.0.1 is still very alpha and only tested on PW 3.0.124. Description This module lets you change the color for the top toolbar and add a small piece of text for development systems, so you are immediately you aren't working on production (and vice versa). The adaptions are made through pure CSS and applied if either the "Enable DEV mode" checkbox in the module's configuration is checked or the property $config->devMode is set to true in site/config.php. Works with Default, Reno and Uikit admin themes (though probably needs a lot of testing with different versions still). Since a screenshot says more than thousand words... Production system (unchanged): Dev system (Default admin theme): Dev system (Reno admin theme): Dev system (Uikit admin theme): Feel free to leave any feedback here and report any problems either in this thread or the github issue tracker.
Here's a small new module that started as a spinoff of a memcache proof-of-concept. Cache your strings and partials in-memory using Redis as a backend. CacheRedis All you need is a running Redis database. The module supports connection through regular TCP, over TLS and via unix domain sockets. Host and port are configurable, and authentication is supported too. Here's a screenshot of the module configuration options: I'll not go into too many details about the usage, you can see everything explained in the README on GitHub, and just highlight the most important points. When the module is active, you'll have a wired $redis variable, which means you can reach the module as $redis, wire("redis") or within Wire classes / modules as $this->redis. CacheRedis is strongly influenced by WireCache, and its usage is (hopefully) straight forward. // Store an entry in the cache under the given key name with the given value: $redis->store("cached_value_number_one", $expire, $value); // Retrieve a value from the cache $value = $redis->fetch($key); // Delete a cache entry $redis->delete("my_other_cached_value"); // Clear the whole cache $redis->flush(); // Retrieve a value from the cache, and if not found, create it through the given function // and store it with a lifetime of 5 minutes (300 seconds) $value = $redis->fetch($key, 300, function() use($page) { return "Page last changed on " . strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M', $page->modified | $page->created); }); // Render a file using wireRenderFile and store it in the cache. // We'll pass a selector as the expiry value so this cache gets // emptied every time a page matching the selector is saved. $news = $redis->renderFile("partials/news.php", 'template=blog-post', ["page" => $page]); The module is still very crude work in progress, but I hope some of you feel daring, try it out and let me know in case anything breaks. Have fun!
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Attention: please don't install this module at the time being! It is not compatible with current PW versions, and it will be some time until I can work in all the changes. Due to a discussion here in the forums, I was inspired to finally have a take on datetime fields and see if I couldn't get them to be searched a little more conveniently. Here's a small module - still in alpha state, but I'd be happy to get some feedback - that allows searching for individual components of a date like year, month, day, hour or even day_of_week or day_of_year, and also returning them. Github repo: DatetimeAdvanced Current version: 0.0.5 Tested in: ProcessWire 2.8 + 3.0 Possible subfields: day month year hour minute second day_of_week day_of_year week_of_year Examples: // Database search: $pagelist = $pages->find("mydatefield.year=2016"); // Filtering PageArray in memory: $maypages = $pagelist->filter("mydatefield.month=5"); // Back to our starting point: $start = date('z'); $end = $start + 7; $sevendays = $pages->find("mydatefield.day_of_year>=$start, mydatefield.day_of_year<$end"); // Nice side effect: subfields are now directly accessible $blogentry = $pages->get('blog-entry-1'); echo $blogentry->title . "(" . $blogentry->publishdate->year . ")"; // New in 0.0.4: shorthand methods echo $blogentry->publishdate->strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") . PHP_EOL; echo $blogentry->publishdate->date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . PHP_EOL; ToDos for the future: See if there's a possibility to specify ranges more conveniently Check if this can perhaps wiggle its way into the PW core Changes: example for direct subfield access and shorthand methods to strftime() and date() added.
Another proof-of-concept module: JsonNativeField Leverages MySQL >= 5.7.8's native JSON column type for key-value storage. This gives us the opportunity to store arbitrary (textual) fields in the database and allows us to search for them with plain subfield selector syntax, including wildcard operators. Possible applications are storing submitted form data or adding user-defined properties to their profile. Currently, the module is still really, really alpha, but I wanted to get input early on. Let me know what you think. Download from GitHub. Here are a few screenshots for anybody interested but unable to try for themselves: 1. First page with json field and custom subfields: 2. Second page with json field and custom subfields: 3. Searching through all subfields in the json field: 4. Searching only in a specific subfield: The interface is really rather crude still. The "delete" buttons only work after saving (have to attach listeners to the newly created entries yet), and I've got to straighten out supported operators for Lister to pick up. I'll see if I find some time tomorrow to work on these issues and brush up the visual side a bit.
As threatened in the Pub sub forum in the "What are you currently building?" thread, I've toyed around with Collabora CODE and built file editing capabilities for office documents (Libre-/OpenOffice formats and MS Office as well as a few really old file types) into a PW module. If you are running OwnCloud or NextCloud, you'll perhaps be familiar with the Collabora app for this purpose. LoolEditor Edit office files directly in ProcessWire Edit your docx, odt, pptx, xlsx or whatever office files you have stored in your file fields directly from ProcessWire's page editor. Upload, click the edit icon, make your changes and save. Can be enabled per field, even in template context. Currently supports opening and saving of office documents. Locking functionality is in development. See the README on GitHub for installation instructions. You should be reasonably experienced with configuring HTTPS and running docker images to get things set up quickly. Pull requests are welcome! Here is a short demonstration:
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I had to do some tinkering around with WebODF and Wodo.texteditor to see if this was a possible approach for modifying report templates in the backend. Turned out there were too many features missing, but I've nonetheless uploaded a very basic (and experimental) module to github that let's you edit ODT (Open Document Text, format used by OpenOffice and LibreOffice). I'll be brushing it up a bit when/if time allows. If anybody wants to take a look or steal/improve on the idea: FieldtypeOdfFile Have fun!