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Module: Repo: TemplateFileHelper module features add global controller and template to current page by a Page::render hook Manage global ($layout) and current page ($view) styles and scripts with a $config->scripts / $config->styles context mapping. So $config->styles / $config->scripts works fine too load sub-templates with a controller file an array of data to fill template variables just an html template Ajax page load in mind Usage Global layout A global controller / template is added by a Page::render hook. /site/templates/_layout.php // controller /site/templates/_layout.tpl // view / html template Example _layout.tpl <!doctype html> <html lang="de"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>TemplateFileHelper Processwire</title> <?=$styles?> <?=$scripts?> </head> <body> <div id="nav"><?=$navigation?></div> <div id="pageContent"><?=$pageContent?></div> </body> </html> Example _layout.php // MarkupSimpleNavigation $nav = $modules->get('MarkupSimpleNavigation'); $layout->set('navigation', $nav->render($opts)); // Global and current page styles $styles = ''; foreach ($layout->styles as $style) { $styles .= "<link href='{$style}' rel='stylesheet' class='global'>"; } foreach ($view->styles as $style) { $styles .= "<link href='{$style}' rel='stylesheet' class='current'>"; } $layout->set('styles', $styles); // Global and current page scripts $scripts = ''; foreach ($layout->scripts as $script) { $scripts .= "<script src='{$script}' type='text/javascript' class='global'></script>"; } foreach ($view->scripts as $script) { $scripts .= "<script src='{$script}' type='text/javascript' class='current'></script>"; } $layout->set('scripts', $scripts); Current page The PW template of current page will rendered inside the global view by Page::render hook. /site/templates/basic-page.php // controller /site/templates/basic-page.tpl // view / html template Example basic-page.tpl <div><?=$contentHome?></div> Example basic-page.php $view->set('contentHome', 'Simple output...'); echo $view->render(); Output (for example to debug) is possible too. echo "My PW template file output..."; $view->set('contentHome', 'Simple output...'); echo $view->render(); Sub-templates It's possible to use sub-templates / chunks inside of a PW template / controller. Sub-template with controller / view files $part = $view->load('parts/test1', 'parts/test1'); // relative to /site/templates (view = .tpl, controller = .php $part = $view->load('parts/test1', true); // same as above. "True" instead of write identical path / file twice $part = $view->load('parts/test1', 'parts/test1_controller'); // view "parts/test1.tpl", controller "parts/test1_controller.php" Sub-template with array data $part = $view->load('chunks/test1', array('variable1' => "value1", 'variable2' => 'value2')); Sub-template just a html chunk $part = $view->load('chunks/test1'); // view file /site/templates/chunks/test1.tpl PW template file as view Because direct output inside a PW template file is possible it also works without a view. Example: PW template without viewTested with the FrontendUser module quick and dirty... $fu = $modules->get('FrontendUser'); $fu->login(); $button = $fu->form->fhSubmitBtn; if (!empty($_GET['logout'])) { $fu->logout($page->url); } $processed = $fu->process($page->url); if ($processed && !$user->isGuest()) { // $processed == false if login failed (not submitted / login successful == true) echo "Hello $user->name!"; echo "<a href='$page->url?logout=1'>Logout</a>"; } else { echo $fu->render(); } Scripts / Styles context The module itself takes care about the global (inside _layout.php) and "current" (inside PW template file). Just use PW $config to set styles and scripts. $config->scripts->add('...'); $config->styles->add('...'); You can also force the context by use the additional global api variables. $layout->scripts->add('...'); // global context $layout->styles->add('...'); // global context $view->scripts->add('...'); // current page context $view->styles->add('...'); // current page context
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I pushed an initial (testing) version of TemplateFileHelper to bitbucket. The autoload module extends TemplateFile instances with API vars $layout and $view $layout -> global layout instance of TemplateFile to set layout placeholders ($layout->set(...) or global scripts / styles. $view -> current page instance of TemplateFile to set the current page placeholders and current page scripts / styles. load() method Load a template / view with additional controller (php) file as subTemplate. Returns a TemplateFile object to render / output Each sub-template controller have access to API Vars and $subTemplate (current TemplateFile instance, $subTemplate->set('placeholder', 'My value...')). Load site/templates/chunks/test1.php controller and site/templates/chunks/test1.tpl view: $part = $view->load('chunks/test1'); echo $part->render(); chunks/test1 example <?php // chunks/test1.php - controller $subTemplate->set('var1', "Subtemplate variable output..."); <!-- chunks/test1.tpl - view --> <div><?=$var1?></div> scripts / styles properties FilenameArray like $config->styles | scripts. It should help to organize scripts / styles with ajax in mind (global / current page only). // current page script $view->scripts->add('js-file.js'); // global / layout script $layout->scripts->add('js-file.js'); You have to handle the output yourself by two foreach loops inside your _layout.php / _layout.tpl files (non ajax calls scripts and styles should be in layout head section). foreach ($layout->scripts as $globalScript) { ... } foreach ($view->scripts as $currentPageScript) { ... } IntercoolerJS module will take care about async / ajax handling of (custom page) scripts and styles. hook Page::render hook after page render to load and add the global layout. The current page template (PW template file == controller) just handle the currents page code / view. Global layout / controller / view is moved to separate files (default: _layout.php controller and _layout.tpl view). Just use $layout->set(...) to fill the _layout.tpl placeholder variables inside the _layout.php controller file. configurable module Some settings are available... Global layout (view + controller) file name (default: "_layout") Current page content variable (used inside of the _layout.tpl view to output current page content, default: "currentPageContent") View file extension (default: ".tpl") Controller file extension (default: ".php") It will be a dependency of the planned IntercoolerJS module which adds ajax page calls, async scripts / styles handling (current page scripts and styles...) and need a defined template handling to work...
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