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Everything posted by pop

  1. pop

    Qubes OS

    I have a bank account, some fifty online accounts with various providers, have to look at unsave sites because I moderate forums, run a small wiki historical material, love to play with software, must run windows from time to time because some of my hardware uses drivers that won't run in Linux. I am looking very closely at this. It seems much more useful than just a Linux box with a VirtualBox inside.
  2. Hi flydev Thanks a lot for this one. I did indeed miss it as I was looking for an introduction into how inserts and updates are done. As it's titled "Creating a simple form", it did not occur to me that it might apply as well. Creating a form would have been next on my to do list, so this is doubly welcome. Thanks also for advice on searching. However, I did a very thorough search on this site and elsewhere and I haven't been able to locate anything on the design pattern suggested for what I was looking for. The number of threads and tutorials I have been going through was heartbreaking, and (as I said before) most of the material appeared to be dated. References to the wiki abound. It appears that the wiki was abandoned some time ago. As I am still evaluating whether ProcessWire will fit my needs, I won't likely install anything in my browser just now.
  3. Thank you very much, this is very useful. I'll have a look at the FormBuilder later. Perhaps someone could do a tutorial on adding and updating pages using forms and the API? I'm quite sure I'm not the only beginner who finds this non-trivial.
  4. Hello there. I use Linux (Ubuntu, at the moment) on nearly all of my computers. I have been using Linux for about twenty years. I still keep WinXP in a VirtualBox because I won't do without MS Access, and I recently bought a very cheap HP laptop with Windows 10 for use with devices that can not be used with Linux, some of them not even with Windows in a VirtualBox, mostly scanners. However, very nice Laptops can be had for next to nothing, so I just consider the cost of this laptop as part of the cost of the scanners.
  5. Hi everybody. I'm new to ProcessWire and I think it might be just what I need for some of my projects. As a starter, I would like to write a small web application, and part of the application should be able to add new pages and change existing ones using the API (as opposed to the Admin interface). I think I have read all of the tutorials and a sizeable part of this forum, still I can't find out how such an application would look like in PW. Also, there was mention of a Wiki which I couldn't locate, either. So, this is how I think such an application should work: Let's say the web application manages a number of products. The product directory lists all available products, i.e. it shows a list of the titles of each product page. Klicking on a link named "new product" will open a page with an empty form. The user fills in all the fields in the form and then klicks on a button named "submit". The server then validates the contents of all the fields, creates a new page (taking the title and the URL from the form), moves the contents of the fields in the form into the fields of the page and then shows the newly created product page. Questions: Is this how new pages are added when using the API (and not the admin interface)? What do I call the page with the empty form and where in the hierarchy does it live? Is it even a page within the hierarchy, when it does not have any underlying data fields of its own? Where does the completed form send (post) its content to, given that the page obviously does not exist yet? Thanks in advance to anyone who can bring light into my darkness.
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