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Everything posted by nexuspolaris

  1. The four websites do the same thing, search for companies in a specific regions. The search function based on Ryan's skyscraper profile. I use multisite Option #1 because I wanted the four sites data could be modified with one login. I tried Option #2 with multisite module but the search function didn't work in child pages. Now what I want that switching the companies active or inactive by certain url or sites.
  2. @androbey I forgot to mention that the four sites use the same database in same PW install and with different site folder. So I can set up a different theme for each site. I will check the multi instance feature. I am thinking about to set up more unpublished status four each domain with PW API.
  3. Hello! I've built a website with the multisite method Option #1: https://processwire.com/docs/more/multi-site-support/ The site has four different domains. I want to set certain child pages published or unpublished for each domains. For example, in the page structure there are Page#1, Page#2, Page#3 with same templates. I want the Page#1 is published in domain#1 and unpublished in domain#2 and domain#3. The Page#2 is published in domain#3 and unpublished in domain#1 and domain#3. And so on. Can I do this with PW API? I've just created a multi choice checkbox field in the page's template for each domains, but I don't know how to set this function.
  4. Hello! I build a website with two different domains connected to the website by Multisite modul. This is my config.php multisite settings: <?php $config->MultisiteDomains = array( "dev.regiosite.com" => array( "root" => "regiosite", "http404" => 27 ), "dev.origisite.com" => array( "root" => "origisite", "http404" => 27 ) ); ?> This is the page structure: Web (web.regiosite.com) -Regiosite (dev.regiosite.com) --About us --404 -Origosite (dev.origosite.com) --About us --404 The navigation loop: <?php $siteRoot = $page->rootParent; foreach ($siteRoot->children as $child) { echo "<li><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>"; } ?> When I click on the child page's name (About us) in the menu the url is right in the browser (http://dev.regiosite.com/about-us) but doesn't load the child page's content. This way works: http://web.regiosite.com/regiosite/about-us What am I missing? Or I need to change something in the .htaccess?
  5. Hi! I build a website with for 2 unique domain name. I set the module settings in config.php the domains point to the right directory. $config->MultisiteDomains = array( "dev.regiosite.com" => array( "root" => "regiosite", "http404" => 27 ), "dev.origosite.com" => array( "root" => "origosite", "http404" => 27 ) ); My page trees: Web -Regions -Search -Registration --regiosite ---About us ---FAQ ---404 --origosite ---About us ---FAQ ---404 I set the navigation loop for child pages: <?php $siteRoot = $page->rootParent; foreach ($siteRoot->children as $child) { echo "<li><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a></li>"; } ?> When I click on the child page's name in the menu its navigate to the right url: https://dev.regiosite.com/about-us but doesn't load the child page content. If I request the child page url with root domain: https://root.domain.com/regiosite/about-us ,it does. Could you help me?
  6. Hello! I build a multisite website with same database based on this module : https://github.com/somatonic/Multisite/ and the skyscraper profile. On the main page I can search for local companies by regions. The search results are listed on the Search page. This is my page structure: - Web -- Regions --- Region-1 ---- Company-1 ---- Company-2 ---- Company-3 --- Region-2 ---- Company-4 ---- Company-5 ---- Company-6 -- Search -- Site-1 --- Search -- Site-2 --- Search The search form template is pointed to the root's Search page: <form method='get' action='<?php echo $config->urls->root?>search/'> In the config.php multisite settings: $config->MultisiteDomains = array( "site-1" => array( "root" => "Site-1", "http404" => 27 ), "site-2" => array( "root" => "Site-2", "http404" => 5332 ) ); $config->httpHosts = array('site-1', 'site-2'); I copied the same search form from the root's page (Web) to the Site-1 or Site-2 page and the search results are listed in the root's search page: http://root-domain/search instead of http://site-1/search or http://root-domain/site-1/search What is the best method to point the search result page to the Site-1 or Site-2 children 'Search' page?
  7. I want to update map data on City pages and I followed your instructions from here: This is how my settings in city's parent page looks like: The format of the CSV what I uploaded: City1 name,City1 name,41.88700499999999,-87.64885009999999 City2 name,City2 name,47.474851,20.5913671 City3 name,City3 name,79890229999999,20.0036779 ... After uploading the cities map data is empty. Could you help me?
  8. Hi @adrian ! I would like to use the module to update map marker address field but the CSV field pairings feature seems hidden for me: I selected the parent page in the Configurable pages what else did I miss?
  9. Hello! I am developing a website with search form based on skyscraper profile. I want to filter in the search form for companies by region. I made a "company" template with "region" field. Now I can search for companies by title but I need help in searching for region field. This is my search-formp.php file: <?php $companies = $pages->find("template=company"); $regios = $companies->region; ?> <form method='get' action='<?php echo $config->urls->root?>search/'> <select id='company' name='company'> <option value=''>Any</option> <?php foreach($companies as $company) { $selected = $company->name == $input->whitelist->company ? " selected='selected' " : ''; } ?> </select> <select id='regio' name='regio'> <option value=''>Any</option> <?php foreach($regios as $regio) { $selected = $regio->name == $input->whitelist->regio ? " selected='selected' " : ''; } ?> </select> </form>
  10. Thanks, it worked this way: $services = $pages->get("template=services"); $service_box = $services->get("service_box"); But how to limit the services number on home page if I want to display only the first 3 item? This dropped error: $service_box = $services->get("service_box, limit=3");
  11. Hello, I made a 'Services' page where I listed some certain services. I'd like to display some of them service by title, featured image and summary on home page. I try to get the 'service_box' repeater field's fields in home page template, but it doesn't work: $services = $pages->find("template=services"); $service_box = $services->get("service_box"); foreach($service_box as $service) { $content .= "<div class='service'>"; $content .= " <div class='service-body'>"; $content .= " <h4>{$service->subtitle}</h4> "; $content .= " <summary>{$service->body}</summary>"; $content .= " </div>"; $content .= " </div>"; } Thanks for help.
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