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Everything posted by ---Lukas---

  1. Good evening I have a website where the content is loaded via Ajax and there is also the comments moduel loaded. Now when submitting a comment I would like to do this via ajax aswell without reloading the whole page. Is this possible with the comments core module? Would be great if you could give me some hints how to get started. Best wishes, L
  2. Hi there I would like to create some user input fields per product which shuld then be added to the order information. So I would need some sort of cutsomer note but not for the whole order but for every single product. Some sort of product customisation for customers. Is there already a nice strategy how to do something like this with padloper 2 ? Best wishes, Lukas
  3. Hi Zoeck Thanky you for your reply - great idea! So I added a checkbox field "show_in_menu" and added the following code to my menu options. But I get an error. How can I use this checkbox properly for the selector? 'selector_field' => 'nav_selector', 'selector' => 'show_in_menu',
  4. Hi there I would like to have a menu with dropdowns for the subpages. But sometime I have a lot of subpages I don't want to disply in the menu structure. At the moment I am hiding these pages but this is no solution because then they are also hidden from the search. How can I choose which menu-item should show subpages and which not? Hope you can give me a hint how to archeive this. Best wishes Lukas
  5. I just implemented this code. When I have all subpages hidden there is a empty dropdown showing up. Any ideas how to fix this issue?
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