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Everything posted by froot

  1. I gave the folder site/assets/files/4444/ where the CSV-files are stored 777 permissions, if that's what you meant. Doesn't help though.
  2. I cannot confirm that. Reading the doc I understand that when I use formData I don't have to worry about url encoding, which explains why it actually works without the header approveOrderXHR.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); (and doesn't work with it). Anyways, after more investigation I have to circle back to my first suspicion, namely a problem with sanitizing. The formdata makes it to the server with or without broken HTML. I mean stuff Like John< Do><<e Main< street <>12>3 which is exaggerated and unlikely to happen but even one < breaks my entire logic. It's the further processing of the input that runs into issues and I can now confirm that the problem must have always been the santize API. $input->post->textarea('message'); strips anything past a > or <. Highly undesired behaviour. This however: $input->post->message; works just fine. But proper html like <h1>John</h1><h1>Doe</h1> is stored as is and not what I want to see in my AJAX response which is rendered to markup. How can I have the best of both worlds?
  3. Not sure how that works, haven't used the console yet. I put $this->wire('files')->unlink($file->filename) in the tracy console when looking at that specific admin action dialogue. Then I hit "run" and it runs. But the file is not deleted and I get no errors or anything.
  4. sorry to reawaken this thread but it seems like I'm having the exact same issue again, with the same code in the same project. This is my code after processing the CSV-file $this->successMessage = "$count CSV rows were processed."; fclose($fp); $this->wire('files')->unlink($file->filename); return true; yet the file remains in the site/assets/files folder and the error is the same "file already in the system" Any more suggestions?
  5. XHR.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') this header doesn't work either, need to omit it for it to work at all. Any other suggestions for headers? Can't find a clear documentation on headers anywhere, so to me it remains a mystery. I'm basically just passing simple strings and an email via AJAX, can't be that hard, can it?
  6. it seems like when I do formData.set('content', content); the formData doesn't make it to the server, proper HTML or not. And when I do formData.set('content', JSON.stringify(content)); proper HTML is passed but broken HTML is not. The other scenario where it works, the form fields are directly stored in the formdata separately and not stored in an object (content). I guess that's why it works there and not here.
  7. there's no URL involved so I think this header is unnecessary. It works without it in one scenario. But in another one I create a formData object which just doesn't make it through if it contains < or > var formData = new FormData(); fillFormData(formData); sendFormData(formData) function fillFormData(formData) { formfields = document.getElementsByClassName('formfield'); content = new Object(); for (i = 0; i < formfields.length; i++) { value = formfields[i].value; content[formfields[i].title] = value }; formData.set("content", JSON.stringify(content)); } function sendFormData(formData) { var XHR = new XMLHttpRequest(); XHR.onreadystatechange = function () { if (XHR.readyState !== 4) return; if (XHR.status >= 200 && XHR.status < 300) { let response = XHR.responseText; response = JSON.parse(response); console.log(JSON.parse); } }; XHR.open('POST', '', true); XHR.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); XHR.send(formData); }
  8. OK turns out this is a different issue. The sanitizer API works fine, even with broken HTML. The issue is rather, that the JS formData object sent via AJAX doesn't reach the server properly when it contains some < and/or > (special characters?). So I guess it's another header-issue. I use: XHR.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); XHR.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); But they don't solve the issue. I never know which one is right because I never understood headers. Any ideas?
  9. the following doesn't work… protected function bb($i) { $o = str_replace("<", "", str_replace(">", "", $i)); return $o; } $_SESSION['message'] = $this->bb($input->post->textarea('message')); nor does the following work… $_SESSION['message'] = wire('sanitizer')->purify($input->post->textarea('message')); The < or > and anything after that is not stored. How can that be?
  10. I have a form where some user input is sent to the server via ajax and then returned to the frontend and displayed. That input is sanitised on the server like so $entry['message'] = $input->post->textarea('message'); // the server receives a formdata object that stores the user input as stringified JSON which works fine when it's proper HTML with a < and a corresponding > or < and a corresponding /> so <h1>John Doe</h1> is stripped to John Doe So far so good, but what about broken HTML tags? If the user send some BS like <h1John Doe </h1 the whole script breaks, the input is not processed properly, data is lost and the ajax reponse is empty too. How can I sanitise this and avoid this behaviour? Should that be done in the frontend before sending to the server anyway? Frontend uses Vanilla JS. The input is used to send an automatic email later on and though the email is sent, it's completely broken. I mainly need to avoid that of course, so I guess I can just check for empty values before that happens. However, the ajax response needs to have proper markup too and then I wonder if there are any other dangers? Cause I'm also storing the input in some PW fields of a page… Should I use ->purify() ? Thanks for help!
  11. I'm building some sort of two dimensional repeater matrix for a template. So I create a field of type repeater matrix named grid_level1 and add it to a template, let's call it repeater_template. That field has a couple of repeater matrix types, but each one only has a field named grid_level2, which is also of type repeater matrix. That grid_level2 has different repeater matrix types, each of which has a different field (body, images, …). Now here's the catch: I want the grid_level2 to also include grid_level1 among its repeater matrix types. But if I do that, save it, and edit a page that is using the repeater_template, the site is caught in an infinite loop and I get a Oye… Fatal Error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded Restricting the "item depth" to say 3 doesn't help either. What to do? What's my logic error?
  12. Does anyone sell or offer PW website templates for end users? Is there a market for that like there is for WordPress and other frameworks/CMS ? Envato market comes to mind…
  13. yes, you are so right. My client is reluctant to use a service like that though. Thanks anyway for the suggestion.
  14. hello everyone, I hope you're enjoying your Sunday, I have a limit of 5000 mails per day on the mail server and 5000 mails per day on the web server. I'm usually sending emails over the mail server, contact form, newsletter and more, seldomly on the web server. So the mail server limit is reached rather quickly, the web server limit as good as never. Is there a way to (1) catch a failed attempt to send an email (if the limit is reached) and (2) to continue sending emails over the web server when the mail server limit is reached? And then what's the exact API to send over php as opposed to WireMailSMTP ? thanks for help!
  15. apologies, didn't mean to be rude, I'm not complaining at all, contrary to your impressions. Thanks a lot for your help and the module works perfectly! Caught a lot of emails that went nowhere. I need to figure out a way to clean up the logs, maybe with a lazycron? or maybe split it up in more files so I don't have to handle huge files at some point. Also, maybe there's a way to access the very log folder of a web server via PW? like /var/log/
  16. ho ly cow… rock-mail-logger-bak.txt is 10.17 GB ? no wonder. what's a better practice? now with a fresh and empty rock-mail-logger.txt no issues.
  17. chunk for chunk? Not sure how to do that tho but thanks so far
  18. I have a couple of log modules installed. rockmaillogger is the only one that triggers a 504 Gateway Timeout Is that server specific? Something quota issue? Too much data? Or is it a bug? (As a comparison, I also have a Promailer-email log module that estimates 1629756 entries and shows the first page (1-100 entries) alright. However, that one doesn't let me move on to page 2 and further.)
  19. OK that makes sense and you guessed right, my setup looks like screenshot #1 I can of course change it to be like #2 and point the/map subdomain to their folder accordingly. What do I have to consider? I guess I have to change a path somewhere in the setup? config.php? .htaccess? javascript files? database settings? The site is live, you know…
  20. I'm trying to install Matomo on my host (world4you). For that purpose, I created a subdomain, a database and a folder in the root. In the subdomain settings I let it point to the created folder. However, the contents of the folder cannot be accessed in browser because it's redirecting to www So I have analytics.mydomain.tld and it's redirected to www.analytics.mydomain.tld I guess that's a .htaccess issue in the first place. But how do I amend the .htaccess-file of the site-root without affecting the main site? Here's I guess the relevant part of the .htaccess file # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 13. Optional domain redirects (O) # # Redirect domain.com to www.domain.com redirect (or www to domain.com redirect). # If using then uncomment either 13A or 13B, do NOT uncomment both of them or nothing will work. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 13A. Redirect domain.com and *.domain.com to www.domain.com (do not combine with 13B): # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC] # RewriteCond %{SERVER_ADDR} != # RewriteCond %{SERVER_ADDR} !=::1 # RewriteRule ^ %{ENV:PROTO}://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] # 13B. Redirect www.domain.com to domain.com (do not combine with 13A): # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC] # RewriteRule ^ %{ENV:PROTO}://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
  21. does this work for piwik.pro too? or is it the same thing? If so, is there a way to handle the Privacy Settings Script? And the Collected Data Handling Script? both from piwik.pro And then, how can I check if it's working? I can see the pk-cookies in the console, but after opting out of statistics-cookies (I use PrivacyWire) the cookies are still there. Is that normal? Thanks for help!
  22. hi, thanks for getting back, I think I know where the issue is, I posted about it somewhere before. The issue must be, that my page using the SettingsFactory-process is hidden. If it's hidden, it cannot save values, only if it's unhidden it can save.
  23. I have a weird issue, some values aren't saved. There is no error or whatever, it actually says: Saved: Einstellungen (that's the name of my page), but after saving, the field is empty again. The same file (the php file with all the custom fields that is needed for the settings-factory to work) works on a different PW installation, but not here. Any ideas why? EDIT: I uninstalled and reinstalled the module, now not one value gets saved on my custom settings factory page. Still with no error, just the success message: Saved: Einstellungen Might that have to do with some php settings? Thanks for help!
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