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Everything posted by lele_ballack

  1. As a workaround for now, we could exclude the parent_id when importing a repeater, but it's important that this behaviour is at least well documented and pointed out during the import.
  2. Thank you @Robin S for opening the issue on GitHub, I feel a bit less crazy knowing I'm not the only one with this issue as I was nearly losing my mind!
  3. I'm getting crazy after this issue that appeared in the last two websites with PW. I'm using respectively the versions 3.0.210 and 3.0.223. Repeaters are showing a very odd behaviour. When I create or import a repeater, sometimes it is saved in the wrong place. I do expect repeaters to be saved under Admin/Repeaters, and while most do, for some odd unknown reasons, some of them are saved in some other places of the Admin tree. For instance in this case (see attached pictures), the 'Card_FT' repeater was saved under Admin/Permissions, overwriting the permission title 'Page Clone' and having each repeater as children of this (wrong) page. Can anyone provide an explanation why this is happening? Anything I can do to fix this issue? I'm literally clutching at straws trying to fix this issue and deliver these websites to clients asap. Thank you in advance!
  4. No, there is no matching names between templates and repeaters. The odd thing is that the repeater name that was used to create the main tree page is a repeater that I haven't used yet in this website, that's what really threw me off, felt like a random occurrence. Thank for your suggestion @Markus Thomas, I'll try to move it under 'admin' where it belongs.
  5. I'm using PW 3.0.219. For a recent client I created a template named 'settings' to host the website global variables. Nothing happened at first, but at some point, while creating demo content for the homepage, a repeater that I created was saved in my website main tree as a page named 'Repeater_Name' (pretty random repeater name as not the one I really used) and had each repeater that I created after as children and grandchildren pages. (See the picture attached) I tried deleting this page but I realised that I would lose all the data and, while I could move it to the bin, I couldn't permanently delete it as I did get an error about it having a system status and therefore impossible to delete. My question is: are there reserved template names that would wreck havoc like this one? How can I fix this mess now without losing all the data? Thank you in advance.
  6. Dear All, I've just created a new website and installed the MarkupBlog module, but I can't manage to make it work. After clearing all the setting, when I do run the Install Wizard this error pops up: Can’t save page 0: /blog-author: It has no parent assigned And I'm unable to go past it. Do you have any insight about how I could make it work and fix this issue? Thanks in advance.
  7. Eventually managed to solve this issue, even though it leaves me with lots of questions. Comparing this website with other fully working websites on the same server, I noticed that the some folders permissions were different. In the working websites, the folders assets and modules belonged to the www-data both as user and group, while in this website those folders belonged to the SSH user as a user and to the www-data as a group (to which the SSH user is part). Changing the latter owner settings to www-data, solved this config issue. I'm not sure about the reason behind it, but now it all works and able again to add new modules from the front end. Thank you all for your help and suggestions! ?
  8. Hi @Karl_T, thanks for your suggestion. I did check the permission group and the SSH user is already in it. Just to dig into it and understand more why there is this issue, I did upload on the server a brand new Processwire Blank installation, and there is exactly the same issue, even though when I log in the banner "This site is in debug mode" appears. I'm truly at a loss about what could be the issue!
  9. Hi @adrian, thanks for the heads up! I did read all Tracy docs and now I understand much better how it works. There are no main errors showing. I did try the $config->moduleInstall('download', true); option, but it didn't work. Following up with @wbmnfktr, I tried swicthing back to the last master, but nothing changed whatsoever. I'm still stuck with this issue, and using FTP for the time being, even though it's not ideal in a team environment. What baffles me is that the other websites all have the 3.0.174 and no issues at all!
  10. Thanks for your quick reply @wbmnfktr. I'm actually at the end of my workday, I'll do that tomorrow and keep you posted! Thanks a lot for your precious help! ?
  11. Hi @wbmnfktr, thanks again for your reply. I tried all the options, even checked via API and the debug property is correctly set to true, So I'm at a loss. FTP is definitely an option, but it's not ideal having to work with others on this project. And thanks for your suggestions, @BitPoet! I tried it, but again to no avail. What I noticed, comparing it to other websites on the same server, is that Tracy is flared up, the bug icon is red in this website. Is there a place where I can check what's the issue that Tracy found?
  12. Hi @wbmnfktr, thanks for your reply. I do have access via SSH to the server so I could check that the changes were actually submitted. And I checked as well the site/config.php file and there is only one $config->debug line. I tried deleting the site/config.php altogher from the server and loading a new copy of the same file and it has worked to some extend, because for example now Tracy started working and appeared at the bottom of my screen (while before, enough though it was enabled, Tracy didn't appear), but I'm still unable to add new modules. And this is the first time anything like this happens to me after having built and loaded on servers several PW websites.
  13. Hi all, I've just put online on my server a new website, and I'm faced with an issue that so far I'm unable to solve. I've edited both the wire/config.php and the site/config.php to $config->debug = true; but when I go into Modules to add a new one, I always get this message: This issue doesn't appear in my local version, while it shown in my server version. I'm currrently unable to figure out any way to overcome this issue (ProcessWire 3.0.174). Can anyone help me solve this issue?
  14. I have a counter in my homepage that keeps track of different indicators. Some of them are manually inserted in the back end, while some other should be the results of different page count. For example, I have this variable that returns the number of articles: $articles = $pages->find("template=outcome")->count(); And I would like to insert it in the field 'Counting' that's rendered inside the counter in the homepage: <?php foreach ($page->Counter as $counter) { ?> <div class="col-xl-3 col-lg-3 col-md-6"> <div class="counter-wrapper single-counter mb-30"> <div class="counter-icon"> <i class="<?=$counter->Icon?>"></i> </div> <div class="counter-text"> <h3><span class="counter"><?=$counter->Counting?></span><span class="plus-icon">+ </span></h3> <p><?=$counter->Title?></p> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> How could I achieve it? How can I pass a variable through a field?
  15. Thanks a lot @Ivan Gretsky! You're right, it was way easier than I thought! It worked like a charm! ?
  16. There is something about a search form that I'm unable to solve. My search form has a text input that searches through fields of a specific template: // keyword input if(isset($input->get->q)) { $keyword = $sanitizer->text($input->get('q')); $selector .= "title|Abbreviazione|Sottotitolo|Titolo_Testo.Titolo|Titolo_Testo.Testo~%=$keyword, "; $input->whitelist("q", $keyword); } In this template, there fields are: title, Abbreviazione and Sottotitolo (text fields) and Titolo_Testo (repeater made of text fields Titolo and Testo). When I search any word, it returns the matching pages, but when I reset my form to (or search) an empty value, it only finds pages where the repeater Titolo_Testo is set and filled. How can I instruct it to search for repeaters only if they are set and get all pages results on an empty value search? Or else, is there a way to detect an empty search value as isset still returns true? I'm using PW 3.0.165. Thanks a lot!
  17. Thank you so much @Robin S! Your solution works really well!
  18. Hi everyone, I'm trying to build an index with all the fields' name that belong to a template, excluding those fields that are empty. <?php $i=0; foreach ($page->fields->find('limit=3') as $field) { ++$i;?> <li> <a class="list-item" href="#par-0<?php echo $i;?>" title="<?=$field->name?>"><?=$field->name?></a> </li> <?php } ?> Are there ways to do it in the selector? Thank you ?
  19. Thank you so much @kongondo! The tutorial link was pretty clear and this solution works like a charm!
  20. Hi everyone, I'm trying to create an article index using all the heading titles of an article, but haven't succeeded so far. I tried with: foreach ($page->text->h2 as $heading) But I get this: "Notice: Trying to get property 'h2' of non-object" What's the best way to get all the h2 tags inside the textarea? I'm using CKEditor to write the articles. Thank you!
  21. Thanks @kongondo for your quick reply! That worked really well and the warnings disappeared! Just noted that there is small bug though after implementing the new code: the comments counter appears now in the dashboard (title and icons only, without any real counting) even though I chose a blog installation with no comments.
  22. Hi @kongondo I've just installed your module (version 2.4.5 in PW 3.0.148). Upon installing I did select blog style 1 or 2, and in both cases I keep getting this warnings above the dashboard: "Warning: Illegal offset type in ..\site\modules\MarkupBlog\ProcessBlog.module on line 916" "Warning: Illegal offset type in ..\site\modules\MarkupBlog\ProcessBlog.module on line 917" that refer to these two lines: $posts->title => array('published' => $qn['blog-post'], 'unpublished' => $qn['unpublished'] ), $comments->title => array('approved' => $numApproved, 'pending' => $numPending, 'spam' => $numSpam ), How can I remove those warnings? Is there a quick way to fix it? Thanks.
  23. I'm using FieldtypeFontIconPicker (2.0.1) to select icons to insert in my page in PW (3.0.148). It works really well and found it really easy to output icons in the web pages. I'm unable though to see icons while building a page which makes searching for an icon a lot harder. It seems that I can only see the icon class as shown in the picture. Is there anything I can do to be able to select the icon directly? Thanks a lot for your help ?
  24. Thanks for your feedback @jacmaes, I understand your point. Looking at your link though, one of the possibilities to include Iubenda is 'Direct text embedding' which renders the Iubenda page as embedded in your own page layout. Upon further searches, I realised that the only thing that was amiss from the script I was given is the class 'iub-body-embed' which launches the script automatically when opening the page (instead of rendering a button that opens a modal as you correctly pointed out). In order to be able to launch the script through PW, I had to install the module 'Inputfield ACE Extended' which allows to 'write' Javascript directly into the page. It might be a bit of a overkill, yet I think it looks easier to read when it's embedded in a page of its own, inside the website layout.
  25. I was given this script to be embedded in the body of a page in order to automatically launch and render the destination link when the page is opened. <a href="https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/*****" class="iubenda-white no-brand iubenda-embed" title="Privacy Policy ">Privacy Policy</a> <script type="text/javascript">(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src="https://cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener) {w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);} else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);} else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); </script> How do I include it in PW? I tried using the CKEditor but it just outputs the script without launching it. If I include it in my template in PHP, it renders as a button that once clicked opens a new tab outside of my website instead of having the script being embedded inside my page. Do you have any suggestion about how to make this work?
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