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  1. Hi @angelo, italy Thank you very much. Dzung
  2. Hi, I have the same problem as @angelo, italy with 0.5 the module can not sen Amazon Simple Mail any more like 0.4. did. Pls help. Dzung
  3. Dzung

    Hanna Code

    Hi @kongondo, Many thanks for your efforts. My database had problems. I create brand new all, everything works fine! Dzung
  4. Dzung

    Hanna Code

    Hi @kongondo I see the list of errors attached file. Dzung Error-list.txt
  5. Dzung

    Hanna Code

    Further, I tried it with Wamp on destop PC, it caused same problem, I can not install any module more. Dzung
  6. Dzung

    Hanna Code

    Hi Kongodo, 1): OS: centos7 PHP version: 7.3.10 MySQL version: 10.1.45-MariaDB CWP version: Apache version: Apache/2.4.39 2). No, there is only FieldtypeRepeater duplicated error. Dzung
  7. Dzung

    Hanna Code

    Hi, I clear all tables in database, then import my backup, the site works again. Then I deleted Hanacode module in module directory, then I push Refesh in module control panel, the system error again. I push Refresh first time "ModulesDuplicates: There appear to be multiple copies of module "PagePathHistory" on the file system. Please edit the module settings to tell ProcessWire which one to use: PagePathHistory ", The second time, the site totally down! Dzung
  8. Dzung

    Hanna Code

    Hi Kongondo, Thank you for your reply. My web is in full error, I have no chance to refresh it. Dzung
  9. Dzung

    Hanna Code

    Hi, I am using PW 3.0.165, I installed Hanacode Module but error pop pup "Excuse me… Compile Error: Cannot declare class FieldtypeRepeater, because the name is already in use (line 31 of site/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeRepeater/FieldtypeRepeater.module)". My web can not view anymore. Please help me. Thank you. Dzung
  10. Hi, I host 3 PW sites and others on one VPS, today only PW sites have error, pls help me. Thank You. Dzung
  11. Hi Everybody, I solved the problem. Sorry because it is not PW issues. Dzung
  12. Hi everyone, I am new to PW, I like to start one blog website but I see 3 modules of blogs, one including in profile, one from Kongondo, and one from Rafaoski . I am so confused to choose. Pls help me to select. Thank you in advanced. Dzung
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