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Everything posted by Gazley
Hi there, I installed ThumbNails and am getting an error. I've attached an image of the installation folder. In the control panel, I can now see additional information that says: Thumbnails (hover to preview, click to crop) and a "thumbnail" link underneath that. If I hover over the image, nothing happens. If I click it, it expands into a fancy box (like before) but there are no additional capabilities. If I click on the thumbnail link, I get the following crash: Error Call to a member function get() on a non-object (line 50 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ProcessWire/site/modules/ProcessCropImage/ProcessCropImage.module) Any ideas what might be wrong? Thanks. CropImage.tiff
Hey Martijn - that looks cool! Will check it out
The nice thing about the asset pipeline is that it's independent of the editor. I am on a Mac but I'm using Snow Leopard. Codekit only runs on Lion+ - so, for me that's out of the window. You could be using Vi as your editor and still get the benefits of the compilation outside of the editor or other tools.
The course finished and my feeling around RoR were pretty much the same as I last mentioned. However, one thing I really did like about RoR was a new feature in 3.2+ (I think) called "asset pipeline" that handles the processing and bundling of CSS, JS and other assets. What was cool about it was that I had Coffeescript files and SASS files open in the editor and worked directly against them. When I refreshed the browser page, RoR detected that the sources files had changed, ran the various compilers against them, bundled the output and refreshed the cache, with the page immediately updated. I've never used CoffeeScript before, I use JS as-is, but it really reduced the amount of code. I would definitely use SASS more if the compilation steps were that easy. You could just edit the SASS files just like editing a vanilla .css file and the "asset pipeline" handled the rest. Very cool indeed.
That was it! Thank you very much.
I tried in Chrome and FireFox and the class drop down stays disabled even though I'm focused on the element. When I try the demo on their website, the drop down list is enabled when you click on one of the items like the 'label'. So, it seems it's something to do with my overall configuration.
Thanks Ryan and thanks for the warning around the potentially untrusted user. On this occasion, that particular scoundrel happens to be me. My Wife doesn't trust me either. Apparently. Usually. jk! @Soma, I have the styles showing up in TinyMCE and all seems well, except, that the .class drop down list doesn't actually drop down, if you know what I mean. I must have done something wrong or not completed 100% of the task but after a close look, I can't actually see what's missing. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Soma - scratch the above - I had the path string wrong. My bad. Thanks again!
Followed the instructions but something weird happening. With "bramus_cssextras : /site/tinymce/myplugins/bramus_cssextras" added to just one TextArea field, all of the other TinyMCE TextArea fields convert to TextAreas, but the only one with the "bramus_cssextras : /site/tinymce/myplugins/bramus_cssextras" key applied is just a TextArea too. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Thank you Soma! Trying it all out right now
In certain places, for styling reasons, I have required styles in paragraph tags that are in the PHP template where the paragraph or heading tag content is user defined in Tiny. In this case, I don't want the content returned from Tiny wrapped in paragraph tags. This is all I tried to say, so to be clear, I don't want the user to specify paragraphs and then strip them off! As far as bramus_cssextras goes, yay! If you are kindly able to help me install this, I might be able to simplify a lot of what I want to do. Than you so much!
Wow! This was collapsed and I didn't even notice this. I need a holiday. Thanks for pointing this out!
Hello Mr Soma! There are merge points in my template(s) that are already <p> tags and they have a specific style applied that I need to be there or, they are <h1-6> tags. I want the user to be able to specify the paragraph's (or heading) content and be able to apply other inline elements. So, to do this, I need TinyMCE but, TinyMCE wraps its content in <p> tags. As far as a standard TextArea goes, the user would have to apply the inline elements themselves so this would appear to be a no-no.
Actually, whilst using the Paragraph Stripper, I also turned on the HTML Entity Encoder. I figured this would be an advantage to encode apostrophes (') and such like. However, it also encodes the < > brackets and contents of the inline tags too, so they display in the rendered output. Bah. Humbug.
Jeez, I just saw the paragraph stripper! Sorry to waste the bandwidth More senior moments. Chatting away to myself like this is the first sign of madness. I blame RoR.
Seems this can be done in tinymce.js but this would appear to be a global default. FYI, I want to use TinyMCE for apply inline tags to its content rendered between heading tags in the template. Obviously, there are several ways that this could be achieved but wondered whether this has ever cropped up and been dealt with before in PW? On reflection, probably simplest to use echo strip_tags($text, '<p>'); in the template.
Hi there, The TinyMCE editor appears to wrap text in <p> tags by default, unless you specify one of the other "styles" that are really edge-cases for most "normal" content. The question is, can this behaviour be turned off so that I can return text that isn't wrapped in any tags? Thanks!
SiNNut - you are quite right, it's a totally bogus "Apple and Oranges" comparison. I guess the real comparison is down to this; I've heard about how magical RoR is, I've been using it on the course and you know what - I'm totally underwhelmed, despite the all the hype and all of the resource and community around its development over the past 6-8 years or so. By accident, I stumbled on ProcessWire that has been, from what I understand, largely the results of one person combined with the help of an enthusiastic, yet relatively small community by comparison to that belonging to RoR. When I started to look at PW, I was amazed at how well thought out it is, how well architected it is, how easy to use it is, and how powerful it is. I immediately got that "giddy" feeling when you know you've stumbled onto something amazing. I just didn't get that buzz or excitement about RoR despite having heard for years about how good it is and how it's better since V3.
Hi teppo I doubt it will get that far. In 2008, they sent me on a .NET WPF course and a .NET WCF course. I never used either of them at work since then! I'm establishing something of my own outside of my "day job", which is totally PHP based. I agree with you totally about the PHP ecosystem - bigger and better.
Hello there! I'm on day #2 of a Ruby/Ruby on Rails course. I've been sent on it by my employer who has decided to adopt Rails going forward. I quite like Ruby, but Rails, well I'm not sure about it at all. The whole experience has left me feeling very happy with PHP and amazed at what you can do with ProcessWire by comparison to some of the nonsense I've been working with in Rails. There are many really good MVC frameworks available in PHP so Rails's MVC has no particular advantage in 2012. PHP has some tremendous OOP capabilities in 5.3/5.4 so I don't see Ruby having any particular advantage over PHP either, unless of course, you are a Ruby developer who doesn't know PHP! So, no big deal but I thought I'd share this with you. Cheers!
Thanks for your efforts Ryan! I'm so amazed with this community, your good self and ProcessWire
Hi there, I'm starting to see groups of fields that might be optional in a template but may well make sense being included in other templates. So, re-usable field groups, if you like. After having made great use of repeaters so far, I know that as a concept, I could achieve this reusability with a repeater. However, semantically, this is wrong because the data doesn't repeat in a single template. Is there a recommended way to achieve this? Many thanks!
@teppo - thanks for your comments and the link. I agree with you about having some guidelines; you can't beat experiencing things first hand, but a set of rules and handy information on a topic always sets you out along the right path from the get go. @apeisa - thanks for the list of tips. These are the precisely the kind of gems that probably need to be collated in a single document or article. Much appreciated!
Thanks guys! I think I have my answer(s). Seems I need to throw a bit of time studying what's already there. At least now I know I'm not missing something