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Everything posted by Gazley

  1. Hi nik, I've been working at my "day job" so won't be able to try any of the suggestions until I get home. I would really love to do PHP/PW full time! I'll definitely try the suggestion later and report back. Cheers!
  2. Hi nik, What you suggest might have happened. I don't know for certain. I did a regular phpMyAdmin backup so I am unsure whether it drops the tables out of the box. Thereafter, I simply used mysqldump using the --databases flag. I understand from the docs that if you specify the target DB as an argument to this flag, it automatically adds DROP TABLE statements and this may be why it succeeded on subsequent restores. However, the error reported around FormBuilder does seem to be something else. Thanks for you suggestion; it does sound extremely plausible indeed. Cheers!
  3. Hello Ryan Many thanks for chiming in. I must admit, this really floored me because I thought the biggest hassle would be building and hardening the server itself. When I tried to load the site and got the PW error message, I wondered what the hell I'd done wrong! The site works perfectly, locally. After the initial problem, I git cloned from Processwire and ran the default site. All worked as expected on my remote VPS. So, it seems that it's something to do with my data/setup, but obviously it's confusing because it all works fine locally. Apeisa suggested to use the Profile export module so I will try that when I get home but I have no idea what it actually does. I'll check the modules table too, and see whether there is any duplication of entry around FormBuilder. As to the versions, see below. >What version of PHP 5.3.10 >and what version of MySQL is running? 5.5.28 It's reassuring to know that you have noticed this issue because I was running out of ideas. I'll report back later when I have had a chance to play with some of the suggestions. Thanks again
  4. @WillyC - form builder is only in site/modules. Thanks everyone for your help and advice. I'll try all suggestions tomorrow as it's getting pretty late now. I'll let you know whether anything has helped. I really appreciate all your input! You are all very cool!
  5. >Does demo install work on your server and does it throw any warnings? It works fine. >Have you tried the profile export? Not sure what that is? >What version of PHP 5.3.10 >and what version of MySQL is running? 5.5.28
  6. Thanks to apeisa's advice, the data restore has fixed the missing field issue. However, I am back to square one again with the error message which is: 2012-11-13 21:52:30 ? http://www.gazley.co.uk/?/ Compile Error Cannot redeclare class FormBuilder (line 22 of /srv/www/gazley.co.uk/htdocs/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module) Dunno?
  7. Hey apeisa, Thanks for showing up! The "fields" table on the server only has a handful of records by comparison to the local DB instance. I don't understand why that would be? I'm going to look at the backup file now to see what's in there but it looks like you are on to something! Hurray! Cheers
  8. Hi there, So far, no luck at all. I did a manual backup of my local DB instead of using pgpMyAdmin. I copied the file to the remote server and restored. All worked as expected. When I hit the home page, I get a PW error. The error log tells me that the field "summary_on_home" doesn't exist. The line of code that throws the error is: if(!$field = $this->fuel('fields')->get($field)) throw new WireException("Field does not exist: $fields[$n]"); I'm not familiar with the DB schema but I can clearly see that there is a table that matches this field. The casing of the table name is all lowercase. Everything looks OK. I'm pretty stuck now and have no idea why this isn't working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Does this issue sound like the local DB dump isn't restoring correctly on the remote server?
  10. Got a bit further with this. cloning from ProcessWire and running the installer, I manager to get Admin and Site running, albeit the PW default. I restored my data into the DB on the remote server. I copied my local "site" folder into remoted "htdocs" alongside of the latest "wire" folder. When I try to load the site, I'm now seeing: 2012-11-11 21:49:08 guest http://www.gazleyco.uk/ Error Exception: Field does not exist: summary_on_home (in /srv/www/gazley.co.uk/htdocs/wire/core/PageFinder.php line 244) "summary_on_home" is one my fields. The site works perfectly on localhost. Any ideas how I can resolve this? Thanks.
  11. Hi there, After developing a site locally, I'm now going through the motions of installing onto an Ubuntu 12.04 VPS. Here are some of the issues I'm having; any advice around this first remote install would be greatly appreciated I have a VirtualHost pointing to a document root that includes 'ProcessWire'. In this case, 'wire' and 'site' appear as the folders in the document root. I assume this is OK? If a specify the domain name, I see my own .html file. Is I add index.php to the domain name, I see "Unable to complete this request. The error has been logged...". The errors.txt file contains the following message: 2012-11-11 18:23:10 ? http://www.gazley.co.uk/?/ Compile Error Cannot redeclare class FormBuilder (line 22 of /srv/www/gazley.co.uk/ProcessWire/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.module) To start with, any ideas what is going wrong in my setup? Cheers!
  12. Hey netcarver, glad you you found this plugin. Despite what the hardcore guys think, having a debugger is really useful I'm still using PhpStorm, more so than before given that I now use SASS and it has nice .scss support. All of these things just help you become very productive so more power to your elbow, I say! Cheers.
  13. Hey Soma, Thanks so much for your reply. I've used simplehtmldom before and it's really, really good. I guess I was trying to see what the PW way of doing this would be without the expense of firing up a third party tool and thanks to you, I now know! Cheers!
  14. Hi diogo Thanks for the heads up - it's not so much as how to do it but how I intercept the markup before it's rendered. Javascript is a no go as the markup needs to be read by various bots so needs to be rendered in the markup server-side. Cheers!
  15. Hi there, I have images in fixed locations in certain templates but, images can also be inserted by the user in TinyMCE. I would like to be able to wrap all images with extra markup before the page is rendered, whether they be specified in the template or whether they are inserted into a TextArea. This sounds like API territory but would like to know the best approach, if anyone has ideas around this requirements. Many thanks!
  16. Hey Ryan Looks like the changes you posted in MarkupPageNav.module (Msg #16) don't appear to be in the build. Maybe you could check as I got the latest build and the new CSS class names aren't showing up in my markup. Cheers!
  17. Thanks for the last tip Soma - that's great to know.
  18. Thank you so much guys. That was much easier than I thought it was going to be. Great PW design and great peer support!
  19. Hi there, I currently have two "basic-page" type of templates. After changes throughout the development process, they have now become quite similar and once contains all of the fields of the other. I want to delete one of the templates and use the other instead (then there will be only one "basic-page" template used throughout the whole site). The one I want to change to has the same fields (and more) as the one I want to change from. The parent page will remain the same. Is it possible to do this without losing the already entered data? If so, how? Thanks.
  20. Hey arjen - thanks for responding. I don't get why it's a budget issue? Could you explain what you mean? Are you just talking more time to develop your own commenting system? Doesn't the PW commenting module help in that regard? Many thanks
  21. Hey everyone, I wondered whether anyone is using Disqus with PW and how they like it? Any opinions on SEO impact (if any) when using Disqus versus PW's commenting module and its site hosted data. The Disqus site seems to suggest that it is fully SEO capable. Any experiences or opinions around these points would be much appreciated! Cheers!
  22. Hey Guys - thanks for the tips and suggestions! slkwrm put me on the right track. I had renamed a folder from includes to inc and then back again to includes. I did a global rename and inadvertently changed some of the .inc files in the wire folder. Totally my bad. Thanks again for putting me on the right track and mitigating my stress Cheers!
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