Hi all. I was wondering if there was a way to automatically set a variable inside a referenced page when you create a page that references it.
For example, there might be one template for skyscrapers and another for photos. The database of all the skyscrapers in a city would already be created, and users could add photos with a field that references which skyscraper they photographed.
Of course when you are viewing the skyscraper page, it is easy to have it pull the pages that reference it and display said photographs.
But I would like for skyscrapers to have two boolean variables - interior photos and exterior photos. When a photo page is created that references a skyscraper and the select field is chosen as "interior", the boolean on the skyscraper page for "interior photos" is automatically updated to true. And of course the same for when a page is created where the select field is chosen as "exterior", the boolean for exterior photos" is updated to true.
That way, on the front end, I can create an interface where a user can choose to either view all skyscrapers, only those with photos, only those with interior photos, or only those with exterior photos.
Or if there an efficient way to avoid the booleans entirely and run page finds to show the skyscrapers as mentioned above, that might be even better.
Thanks for your time.