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Everything posted by mahu

  1. I guess, the not found pages use another template than the found ones. I will say, that you have to add the cache field to all templates that should be searchable.
  2. Hi, i'm trying to add text-watermarks to images placed in a textarea using a textformatter. It works with jpegs executing the function $image->width(123)->watermark('some text') that replaces the variation with a watermarked one. But the webp variation will be created from the original file and there is no watermark. I played a bit with a hook before imSaveReady but the only thing i could achieve, was a watermark on the original file, but here i don't want it. Has anyone an idea how i can achieve this (using processwire functions and hooks)?
  3. I made a fork because i needed some changes for my use - maybe it can be useful. https://github.com/dauni/TextformatterSrcset/releases/tag/1.0.6
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