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  1. @fbg13 ! It worked! I'll remember try and catch in this kind of situations. Thank you!
  2. Thank you for your answers How should I use try and catch with the LoginRegister module? Or better where I should put that code? Because it's the module that handles the session login and I only use the $loginRegister->execute method in my template like in the module guide. As soon as possible I will paste here my template code to give you a better idea of my situation. Thank you
  3. I'm using the LoginRegister module and I'm getting an internal server error when I try to login with a wrong password more than one time. I've found that the error comes from the SessionLoginThrottle.module, because, for security reasons, is better to prevent too many failed logins. Ok, good. But, am I wrong if I think it's too bad to show an Internal server error to the user instead of a simple error in template saying the user to wait X seconds to retry to login? Is there a way to do that? It would be great if I could get the error string and style it in the page the way I like. And in the SessionLoginThrottle admin configuration, I think that could be a good idea to be able to change the maximum number of login attempts before the error is shown.
  4. Hi everyone, I've upgraded one of my pw 2.7 websites to the 2.8 legacy version and I'm encountering some problems. As you can see in the image I don't see uploaded images thumbnails anymore, and the repeater fields previously added are no more usable. Why I'm having this strange behaviour simply after an upgrade from processwire 2.7 to 2.8? Hope you can help me, I'd like to use the 2.8 version features like the front-end inline editing, but it seems like I'll be locked in the 2.7 version forever Thank you!
  5. Great! thank you @tpr, now it works! I hope my case will be useful to you and other developers Have a good day
  6. @tpr I know why this is not working. Some time ago I commented the following lines of code in the "FrontEndEditLightbox.module" file: if (!empty($settings['fields'])) { $fieldsArray = explode(',', $settings['fields']); foreach ($fieldsArray as $key => $fieldName) { if (!$page->hasField($fieldName)) { unset($fieldsArray[$key]); } } foreach ($fieldsArray as $key => $fieldName) { $flds = $page->getFields; foreach ($flds as $key => $fld) { if ($fld != $fieldName) { unset($fieldsArray[$key]); } } } if (!empty($fieldsArray)) { $fields = '&fields=' . implode(',', $fieldsArray); } } This is the part of the code that deals with the fields feature, but I remembered why I hidden those lines. If I leave those lines uncommented I get the following error: Error: Exception: Method Page::hasField does not exist or is not callable in this context (in /home/albicocc/public_html/socialhub/wire/core/Wire.php line 358) #0 [internal function]: Wire->___callUnknown('hasField', Array) #1 /home/albicocc/public_html/socialhub/wire/core/Wire.php(398): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #2 /home/albicocc/public_html/socialhub/wire/core/Wire.php(333): Wire->runHooks('callUnknown', Array) #3 /home/albicocc/public_html/socialhub/wire/core/Wire.php(337): Wire->__call('callUnknown', Array) #4 /home/albicocc/public_html/socialhub/wire/core/Wire.php(337): Page->callUnknown('hasField', Array) #5 /home/albicocc/public_html/socialhub/site/modules/FrontEndEditLightbox/FrontEndEditLightbox.module(353): Wire->__call('hasField', Array) #6 /home/albicocc/public_html/socialhub/site/modules/FrontEndEditLightbox/FrontEndEditLightbox.module(353): Page->hasField('notes') #7 /home/albicocc/public_html/socialhub/wire/core/Wire.php(459): FrontEndEditLightbox->addMethod(Object(HookEvent)) #8 /home/albic This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged.
  7. @tpr Here is the iframe src url: src="/XXX/pw/page/edit/?id=1309&modal=1" and this is the code: if($user->isLoggedin() && $user->hasRole('editor')) { echo $post->feel(array("text" => "Modifica note", "fields" => "notes,body")); } Do you see something wrong? This is appening in PW 2.7.
  8. Hi everyone! this is my first topic and I need to say thanks to @ryan and all the other contributors for this incredible framework that changed my life as a web dev! But now I go to the point. I developed a project with pw 2.7 and it worked like a charm. Today i'm trying to update the project to pw3 on a local environment, to test that everything will continue working after the upgrade, and that's not the case. The major bug I'm encountering is that repeater field doesn't work properly. Existing Repeater field This is what I see when I try to edit a page that already has a repeater field (Brand concepts) with some elements: If I click on one of the "... blocks" nothing appens. New repeater field If I create a new repeater field and assing it to a template, when I open a page with that template I see the new repeater field, but the "Add new" link, to add a new element, doesn't work. I click it and nothing appens. I never had this kind of strange behaviours in PW, and this is one of the reasons why I consider it the best cms/framework I've ever used. I hope you can help me. Thank you!
  9. Thank you @tpr for your answer. yes i've the latest module version installed, the 1.3.5 At the moment I'm not using the feature, but perhaps I'll do that soon to retest. Now I'm upgrading my project to pw 3 form 2.7 and having some issues with repeater fields in general and FEEL that now doesn't respect the visibility options that i choose for each field.
  10. Hi everyone, I'm using FEEL in a project of mine and I love its features! (Just like I love Processwire). But I'm having a problem with the "fields" feature. I'm using exactly the code written in the example in the module page on processwire.com, but it doesn't work and load every fields of the page. this is the code I'm using ($post is the page i want to edit): <?php echo "{$post->notes}<br />"; if($user->isLoggedin() && $user->hasRole('editor')) { echo $post->feel(array("text" => "Modifica note", "fields" => "notes,body")); } ?> 'notes' is a simple textarea custom field. Do you have an idea of what's wrong?
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