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Everything posted by Kholja

  1. Kholja

    Hanna Code

    I agree totally with you Adrian ?This is just an example what came out of the old WP Site. In this case the final result will just be surrounding div with a class. But The point is - how to catch the Text BETWEEN the tags and get rid of the end tag via Hanna Code. To make it more clear: [[av_textblock someAttributes]] Some Text [[/av_textblock]] should go into something like this: <div class="textblock"> Some Text </div>
  2. Kholja

    Hanna Code

    Convert Wordpress shortcodes with "end tags" to Hanna Code I imported posts from a Wordpress site via WordpressMigrate Module. I used the Convert Shortcodes to Hanna Code Option. The Plan was to write some Hanna snippets to replace the former shortcode functionality. In most cases this works like a charm. But sometimes the codes uses kind of a Start - End Tag Syntax like this: [[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='']] Some Text [[/av_textblock]] Anyone got an idea how to get a grip on this ? Is it possible with Hanna Code ?
  3. Hello Community, just used AIOM for the first time and ran in some of the issues mentioned above. Got it to work with the help of this thread. Thank you guys. Just in case someone finds it useful I add additionally some steps to update the CssMin Library quickly, until we get the next AIOM Update: Create Folder site/modules/AllInOneMinify/lib/CssMin Get the four files from: https://github.com/tubalmartin/YUI-CSS-compressor-PHP-port/tree/master/src (Colors.php, Command.php, Minifier.php, Utils.php) and put them in the folder above. Remove namespacing after php tag in these files (i.e. delete namespace tubalmartin\CssMin;) Change code in site/modules/AllInOneMinify/AllInOneMinify.module: Z.541 replace the require_once statement where it includes the CssMin Class File with: // require_once(wire('config')->paths->AllInOneMinify.'lib/CssMin'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cssmin.php'); require_once(wire('config')->paths->AllInOneMinify.'lib/CssMin'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Minifier.php'); require_once(wire('config')->paths->AllInOneMinify.'lib/CssMin'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Colors.php'); require_once(wire('config')->paths->AllInOneMinify.'lib/CssMin'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Command.php'); require_once(wire('config')->paths->AllInOneMinify.'lib/CssMin'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Utils.php'); Z.620 replace the following line // $cssMin = new CSSmin(); $cssMin = new Minifier(); That did the job for me.
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